英语自学网 发表于 2018-9-1 20:33:37


          Stock prices have fallen considerably during the current economic
malaise.Although there is the risk stock markets may not have bottomed,the
current low stock prices offer an opportunity for retail investors to gradually
invest in selected blue chip stocks that may have previously been out of
          The mistake most investors make is to put most of their money in one form
of investment,say stocks or properties.As a result,when the property and stock
markets decline,these investors are in an extremely vulnerable position.It is
always prudent to keep aside at least enough cash to provide a cushion of about
6 month's monthly income as a safeguard against sharp declines in the stock and
property markets or in the event that you need cash urgently.
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查看完整版本: 2018年12月英语六级翻译练习60:股票投资