Sometimes it's really hard to understand and experience art, so one creative duo decided to make fun out of it.有时艺术是一件很难搞懂,也很难在日常生活中体验的事情,然而一对颇具创造力的搭档却由此灵感迸发,他们决定跳出成规,做一些有趣的事情。
Artist Hank Schmidt in der Beek and photographer Fabian Schubert have been working on a project, called Und im Sommer tu ich malen (which translates "And in the Summer I do paint") which combines photography and painting, and is not only well executed but hilarious as well.来自毕克的艺术家汉克·斯密特和摄影师费比安·舒伯特正进行一个名为“Und im Sommer tu ich malen”项目,翻译过来即“我在夏天的画作”,他们将摄影和绘画融合在一起,不仅将这件事进行得风生水起,而且还欢乐多多。
The idea behind the project is for the duo to visit scenic locations where famous artists like Vincent Van Gogh, Claude Monet, or Paul Cezanne painted their works.这对搭档的构想是重走那些为著名画家诸如梵高,克劳德莫奈,以及塞尚所描绘过的迷人景色。
However, instead of replicating their proud works, Hank paints the pattern of his shirt. Their project combines conceptual and concrete art as well as plein air and portrait painting.然而,他们并不仅仅是复制大师们的作品,汉克将他T恤上的花纹画了出来。他们将概念艺术和实体艺术结合,也将写意山水和肖像素描有机结合在了一起。
Everything began when the two of them met on a mountain hike. 二人是在登山时认识的,汉克说:“当时他正拿着中篇幅相机照相,而我正支起架子在画布上绘画。”
"He was with his medium format camera to take some photographs, me with some canvases and an easel to make some paintings," Hank says. The results of their humorous adventures around Europe are an appreciation of the joy of creating art, but an acknowledgment that sometimes it's simply pretentious as well.他们进行了一场妙趣横生的欧洲之旅,并将这种趣味升华成了艺术,但他们同时也承认,这样做有时也不过是想要炫耀一番。
makenzie stephenson: The cow is posing. Hahahamakenzie stephenson:哈哈,这只奶牛在摆造型
Daria B: Bee-boy.DariaB:蜜蜂少年。
Emily Graves: How many weird shirts does this guy have XDEmily Graves:这家伙到底有多少古怪的T恤(大笑)
Hseed: Etretat, really nice place visit!!Hseed:象鼻山,好去处!!