【一战往事】Part 4(44)没让你写回忆录
Hints:pithead prices
Dominion troops
Imperial officer
http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201311/201311040613056038233.mp3He said they could have as much coal as they wanted at 1914 pithead prices. I notice, Captain Tietjens, that you have no fire-extinguishers on your unit. You're aware of the disastrous consequences that would follow a conflagration? Yes, sir. I was informed by Ordnance that there is no provision for fire-extinguishers for Dominion troops under an Imperial officer. So, I applied, as advised, to a civilian firm... I didn't ask for your memoirs. Make a note, Levin. Go and get your belt. You can go round your cookhouses with me in a quarter of an hour. You can tell your sergeant-cook. You are aware, sir, that I am under arrest? I gave you an order to perform a duty! Sir!他说他们想要多少煤都能弄到,只要1914年的坑口价格。蒂金斯上尉,我注意到你的部队没有装备灭火器。你知道一旦起火会引发多大灾难吗?是的,长官。军械所告知我,他们不为帝国军官指挥下的自治领军队提供灭火器。于是我遵照建议向一家私营公司申请...我没让你写回忆录。记下来,列文。系好你的腰带。一刻钟后你和我一起去巡视厨房。通知你的炊事员。长官,你知道我被捕了。我命令你去执行任务。长官。