英语自学网 发表于 2016-8-2 13:34:17


        William Shakespeare
        “with aching teeth”.
http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201308/201308161240068012736.mp3Nor can it be proved that he went to the excellent local grammar school, although he probably did as there was nowhere else for him to go. At the age of 18 he married Anne Hathaway, a woman eight years older than himself, and they had three children.Then in 1585 this young married man apparently left Stratford and his family, for there is absolutely no record of him for seven long years.
  Exactly what happened to William Shakespeare during those seven years has puzzled scholars ever since. There are different theories, but of all the probabilities the most likely one is that he travelled abroad, spending a good deal of time at sea. Shakespeare wrote with great conviction about storms and shipwrecks and eating the hard ship's biscuits "with aching teeth".也无法证实他曾经就读过当地那所很好的文法学校,但是很可能是这样,因为他没有别的地方可去。莎士比亚十八岁那年娶了一个名叫Anne Hathaway的女人;她比他大八岁,他们生了三个孩子。一五八五年,莎士比亚很显然离开了Stratford和他的家人,因为在此后长达七年的时间里没有关于他的任何记录。
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