【一战往事】Part 2(39)在糟和更糟之间选择
Hints:首句为I can't remember.
http://t1.g.hjfile.cn/listen/201307/201307100804496393845.mp3I can't remember. I'm not an English country gentleman who'll let the country go to hell and never stir himself except to say, "I told you so." Yes. I said that. I said you ought to be in a museum. I think I wanted to provoke you into bursting out of your glass cabinet. Now it's a choice between bad and worse. Well, I have a big, hulking body to throw into the war. Nothing much to live for. Because...记不得了。我不再是一个英国乡绅。看着这个国家走向毁灭却不采取行动,只会说"我早就告诉你了"。是啊,这是我说的。我说你该待在博物馆里,我想我当时是想刺激你,从你的玻璃柜中蹦出来。现在只能在糟和更糟之间做出选择。我毕竟还算高大强壮,挺适合打仗的。 活着也没什么盼头。因为..