男人只懂得人生哲学,女人却懂得生活本身。思考让男人在生活中变傻,更容易被女人欺骗。女人会因为一个男人的钱而爱上那个男人,而一个男人绝对不会因为一个女人有钱而爱上那个女人。先列出相关词汇:intuition tutor tutee tuition intuitive tutelage
在当今社会的诸多领域中,女人不如男人。但有一点,女人绝对比男人强,就是intuition( 直觉)。Intuition is very close in meaning to instinct,but they are different.
"tui" or "tui" 是拉丁词根,意思是“to teach" or "to instruct". So, A tutor(老师) is a teacher who gives instruction to a tutee(学生)。
Tuition(讲授) means the act of teaching. In America, tuition(学费) means the cost of instruction.
" in-" 的前缀是“没有”或“缺乏”的意思。所以 Intuition 字面意思就是“没有讲授”,“缺乏指导”。So, intuition refers the power of knowing something immediately without other people's tuition or instruction or teaching. 或者 to know something without mental effort. 在没有别人教的情况下,或者在没有思考的情况下,立刻就知道某件事的能力叫直觉。
女人说话时,是不思考的。与其说是嘴巴在引领女人的谈话,还不如说是她们是跟着自己的直觉在说话。世界语言学家Otto Jespersen说:“We think when we talk, and some ladies talk in order to find out what they think.”(我们说话时,就是在想,有些女人是一面说话,才一面发觉她们想些什么。)
科学界,男人做的贡献多;艺术领域,很多女人做出了贡献。原因是科学需要思考,艺术创造需要直觉。scientists may try to ignore their intuition and insist on being able to explain everything they think. Artists and creative thinkers tend to rely on intuitive sense of things.
思考有时把男人变的傻乎乎的。“傻呆呆的”是思考的典型状态。他们总想搞清女人的想法,岂不知女人就没有想法,她们有男人不能体会的直觉。拜伦说:"What a strange thing is man! And what a stranger is woman!"(人是奇怪的东西,女人是更奇怪的东西。)
Men tend to explain everything in everyday life,and like to talk about the philosophy of life. Women tend to lead a life on their intuition. 男人倾向于把生活中的每件事情想清楚,解释清楚,喜欢谈论生活的哲学。女人倾向靠直觉过日子。所以,男人只懂得人生哲学,女人却懂得生活本身。