英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-31 14:11:39


        When Lynda Whitehead introduced her new puppy Patch to her family, she didn’t realise quite how much of a führer he would cause.当琳达将小狗丁丁带回家的时候,她并未意识到丁丁日后将成为“领袖”(德语)。
        For while the cute seven-week-old is quiet and cuddly, her daughter spotted his uncanny resemblance to Adolf Hitler.这只七周大的小狗个性安静、惹人喜爱。尽管如此,琳达的女儿却发现,这只小狗和阿道夫·希特勒莫名的形肖。
        A dark mark on his top lip mirrors the Fuhrer's famous moustache. And another large brown area over his left ear completes the look of the 20th Century dictator.小狗的上唇上有一块黑色的斑点,酷似希特勒的经典胡须造型。再加上小狗左耳边一大块暗色的部分,它的模样简直是那位20世纪独裁者的翻版。

        But, according to his owner, the resemblance ends there as Patch - unlike Hitler - has a lovable temperament.但是,小狗的主人说,它与希特勒的相似之处也仅止于外貌——因为小狗的性格非常温柔,与后者大相径庭。
        The tiny puppy, a cross between French bulldog and a shih tzu, has two brothers and lives with owner Lynda in York.这只小狗是法国牛头犬和狮子狗的杂交品种,有两只小兄弟,和主人琳达一起住在约克。
        She said no-one calls him by his real name any more and Patch is starting to obey orders - as 'Adolf' or 'Hitler'.琳达说,现在没有人再叫小狗的实际名字了。现在人们开始叫它“阿道夫”或“希特勒”,而丁丁也开始回应这个名字。
        Mrs Whitehead said: 'None of us noticed the likeness until we put a photo on Facebook and my eldest daughter saw it and said ‘You've got a little Hitler there".怀特海德夫人称,“一开始没有人发现它和希特勒长得像。直到后来我们在脸书网上上传了一张照片,我的大女儿看着照片说:‘它就像小希特勒!’”
        Mrs Whitehead added: 'He is a lovely little thing. All of them are, but he is the gentlest of them all. He will sit on your lap and just look at you until he falls asleep.怀特海德夫人又补充说,“它是个讨人喜欢的小家伙。它们一窝小家伙都是。但它是三只小狗中最温柔的。它会坐在你的大腿上,看着你,直到它睡着。”
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