英语自学网 发表于 2016-7-31 14:11:13

全球身价最高宠物狗 中国人以150万美元买下一条藏獒

        Meet the World's Most Expensive Dog. A Tibetan Mastiff named Hong Dong has recently earned that title after being fetched by a Chinese multimillionaire for the unbelievable price of $1.5 million.围观全球最贵的狗。一只名叫Hong Dong的藏獒被一位中国千万富翁以难以置信的150万美元的高价买下,这个价格让它成为了全球身价最高的狗。
        His breeder, Lu Liang, told the Telegraph: "The price is justified. We have spent a lot of money raising this dog, and we have the salaries of plenty of staff to pay."它的饲养员Lu Liang告诉《每日电讯报》说:“这个价格是公道的。我们花了大量的人力物力来饲养这只狗,我们要付给员工们很多工资。”
        Hong Dong has already gotten used to an upscale lifestyle: He was fed chicken and beef that was flavored with sea cucumber and abalone.Hong Dong已经适应了上层社会的生活了:它每天的食物是鸡肉、牛肉还掺着海参鲍鱼调味。
        Tibetan Mastiffs used to act as guard dogs for nomads and monks in Tibet, but now, they've become status symbols for China's wealthiest.在西藏藏獒在以前都是被藏民和僧侣养来做看门狗的,但是现在它们已经成为了中国富人们展示财富和地位的标志。
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