语言输出技能,尤其是写作技能低在中国英语学习者是普遍现象。历年英语四六级考试中,写作是给多数同学拉分的项目是不争的事实;反之,作文高分同学,其总成绩一定是高分——输出输入能力成正比的关系。如何在考试中争得头筹,在写作部分中脱颖而出是很多大学同学关注的问题。这个问题的解决方案早已写在经典教材 《新概念》3当中。
University campuses, especially those of the renowned universities, have recently become the new tourist attractions. Pros and cons have been put forward concerning this new phenomenon.
Some people are quite in favor of the campus’ opening to tourists while others are opposed to it. The opening of campus will stimulate the tourist industry, but the easier access to campus will lead to some accidents or safety problems which interfere in students’ life.
In my opinion, campuses can be open to tourists once a week, say, on Saturday. This suggestion, I believe, is quite feasible because it could kill two birds with one stone. For one thing, campuses could attract tourists on weekends, thus boosting the tourism. For another, restricted opening of campus will beneficially narrow the gap between campuses and the outside world. Furthermore, this will also attract more public attention and build a great reputation.