6,All the things I had packed so carefully were soon in a dreadful mess.
in a mess:乱作一团
介词in 和名词搭配,表示一种状态
秩序井然: in good order
身体健康: in good health\condition
心情好: in a good mood
脾气好: in a good temper
7, Suddenly, I saw the Officer's face light up.
light up:喜气洋洋,容光焕发
e.g. Marsha's face lit up when she saw her old friend.
e.g. His face lighted up at the small triumph.
e.g. Tom really lighted up when he saw the new bicycle.
light有两种过去分词,过去式形式:lit, lighted
e.g. 一只被点燃的雪茄:a lighted cigar
e.g. 点燃的火炬: a lighted stick.