1. Emma Watson wanted to be more than just an actress.1、艾玛·沃特森不只是想要成为一名女演员。
She graduated from Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island with an English Literature degree. Watson went to an American University because she wanted to blend in.她毕业于美国罗德岛州普罗维登斯的布朗大学,并取得了英语文学学位。因为沃特森想要融入美国社会,所以她去了一所美国大学。
2. She has other accomplishments under her belt.2、她还拥有其他成就。
Emma is a certified yoga teacher. She took up the practice because she felt the need to find a centre for herself. "I need to find a way to always feel safe and at home within myself. Because I can never rely on a physical place,” says the actor.艾玛是一名有执业资格的瑜伽老师。因为她觉得有必要为自己找到一个中心,所以她开始从事这项事业。“我需要找到一种方法使自己觉得安全、自在。因为我从不会依靠健身场所,”这位演员说道。
3. She loves the ocean.3、她喜欢大海。
Emma received her Open Water PADI certificate. This allows her to scuba dive internationally.艾玛拿到了开放水域专业潜水教练协会证书。这使她能够在国际间进行水肺潜水。
4. She had to work hard to land the famous role of Hermione.4、她必须努力工作来赢得赫敏这个著名的角色。
Emma had to audition for the role of Hermione Jean Granger eight times. Author J.K. Rowling wanted Emma for the role from the first audition. Emma had no professional acting experience but her teachers suggested her to the casting directors.艾玛必须为赫敏·珍·格兰杰这个角色试镜8次。从第一次试镜开始,作者J.K.罗琳就想要艾玛来扮演这个角色。虽然艾玛没有专业表演经验,但她的老师向选角导演推荐了她。
5. Emma has become a fashion icon.5、艾玛已经成为一个时尚标志。
Emma loves fashion and has been the face of famous brands like Burberry and Lancôme. She became the youngest person to appear on the cover of Teen Vogue magazine when she was 15.艾玛喜欢时尚,还代言了巴宝莉、兰蔻等著名品牌。在她15岁的时候,她就成为最年轻的《少女时尚》杂志封面人物。
6. She loves her siblings so much she makes it a family business.6、她很爱自己的兄弟姐妹,做起了家族生意。
When Emma signed up as a model for the British brand Burberry, she recruited her brother Alex to model as well.当艾玛签约成为英国品牌巴宝莉的模特之时,她把弟弟亚历克斯也拉来当模特。
7. She has made the Guinness Book of World Records.7、她打破了吉尼斯世界纪录。
Emma was named the Highest Grossing Actress of the Decade by the organization. Her films have grossed over 5.4 billion dollars worldwide.艾玛被吉尼斯世界纪录组织提名为十年中收入最高的女演员。她的电影在世界各地总共获得了54亿美元的收入。
8. She can't imagine doing one thing for the rest of her life.8、她无法想象在生命中余下的时光里只做一件事情。
She wants to be a Renaissance woman. "I want to paint, and I want to write, and I want to act, and I want to just do everything," says Emma.她想成为一名多才多艺的女性。“我想画画、写作、表演,就想做一切事情,”艾玛说道。
9. She wants to change the world.9、她想改变世界。
She is the UN Women Goodwill ambassador where she promotes gender equality and the empowerment of women. About her role as ambassador she has said, "fighting for women's rights has too often become synonymous with man hating. This has got to stop."她是联合国妇女亲善大使,在那里她提倡男女平等并倡导赋予女性权利。关于大使的身份,她表示,“为女权而战常常成为讨厌男性的同义词。这必须停止。”
10. Emma wants to read with you.10、艾玛想和你一起阅读。
The 26-year-old actor has started a feminist book club and anyone can join through Goodreads. The first book she chose was My Life on the Road by Gloria Steinem.这位26岁的演员创办了一家女权主义读书俱乐部,任何人都可以通过Goodreads(好读网)加入。她选择的第一本书是格洛里亚·斯泰纳姆创作的《我的人生之路》。 |