Mo Yan, a Chinese writer and Nobel Prize winner, was awarded the honorary degree Doctor Honoris Causa of Sofia University. Mo, the first Chinese laureate of this honor in the 125-year history of the oldest Bulgarian university, received the award in presence of Chinese Ambassador to Bulgaria Wei Jinghua, Bulgarian caretaker Prime Minister Georgi Bliznashki and hundreds of admirers.莫言,中国作家、诺贝尔文学奖获得者,被授予索菲亚大学荣誉博士学位,成为这所保加利亚最古老的大学建院125年历史上首位获得这一殊荣的中国人。中国驻保加利亚大使魏敬华、保加利亚代理政府总理布里兹纳什基以及几百位崇拜者出席了授奖仪式。
During the ceremony held in the Aula of Sofia University, Mo also received its academic award Blue Honorary Ribbon.在索菲亚大学礼堂举行的授奖仪式上,莫言还获得了学院蓝带勋章。
In a speech read by Prof Ivan Ilchev, Rector of the Sofia University, Bliznashki said thanks to the personal efforts of Mo Yan.索非亚大学校长伊尔切夫宣读了布里兹纳什基的致辞。布里兹纳什基在致辞中说,他对莫言通过个人努力获得的荣誉感到钦佩。
In his speech of thanks, Mo said he was 25 years old when for the first time read a Bulgarian literary work translated into Chinese -- a collection of short stories by Elin Pelin, one of the well-known writers in Bulgaria.莫言在致答谢辞中说,他在25岁时第一次接触保加利亚文学,那是在保加利亚家喻户晓的作家埃林·佩林的一本短篇小说集。
"I can say that in the field of literature I have had many mentors, many teachers. One of them is Elin Pelin," Mo said.“可以说,我有很多导师,其中之一就是埃林·佩林”。莫言说。
Mo, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2012, has been known in Bulgaria with his novel 'Change' translated from English, and soon with the support of the Confucius Institute, his novels 'Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out' and 'Sandalwood Death' translated from Chinese will be published in the Balkan country.莫言的中篇小说《变》的英译本在保加利亚广为人知。在保加利亚孔子学院的支持下,另外两部小说《生死疲劳》和《檀香刑》的保文译本也将出版。 |