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发表于 2016-9-1 21:43:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



        A 3D version of the latest Bourne movie made exclusively for Chinese cinemas has caused local audiences to complain about headaches and nausea.《谍影重重5》近期上映,向中国观众提供了特供3D版本,但是影评人却频频吐槽该部电影3D版本眩晕太严重,简直让人想吐。
        The format remains hugely popular in the country, particularly when it comes to action movies. But the conversion process required to give the 2D-shot film an extra dimension seems to have been ill-judged in this case.《谍影重重》系列在中国非常受欢迎,特别是当其变成动作片之后,更是深受中国人的喜爱。但是这次《谍影重重5》上映期间,将2D电影变成3D在中国上映的做法似乎并不讨好。
        Why has China got a 3D Bourne? 为什么会在中国上映《谍影重重5》3D版?
        Cinemas usually charge more for movies screened in three dimensions, so there's an obvious incentive to show them in the format.But while Europe and the US have seen ticket sales for 3D movies decline, there's still a strong appetite for the technology in China.电影院播放3D电影的时候票价往往也更高,因此这就是为什么电影院要放映3D版本的《谍影重重5》了。但是尽管目前欧洲和美国的3D电影票价不像以前那么高了,但是中国仍然对这项技术有着旺盛的需求。
        Many theatres in the country are fairly new and have equipped themselves with the latest projectors.When it comes to 3D movies, however, there are two kinds.中国许多电影院都相当的新,并且已经配备了最新款的放映机。在3D电影方面,有两种不同的版本。
        "Real" 3D movies are shot with a dual-lens cameras, which capture two versions of every shot. Special glasses let viewers see a different one with each eye. Many critics believe this delivers the best illusion of depth.But another, cheaper option is to film in 2D and then simulate the effect in post production by using computers.真3D电影是由双镜头摄像机拍摄,每一帧画面里都有两个视角。特殊的3D眼镜可以让观影人的两只眼睛都看到不同的东西。许多评论家认为这引起了最佳的深度错觉。假3D电影的制作成本要便宜一些,它的拍摄过程和传统2D电影一样,只是在后期制作的时候用计算机仿真模拟出3D效果。
        While this can work well for some movies, it does not for others, with Jason Bourne being a case in point.Its director Paul Greengrass shot several sequences using a handheld camera and then made rapid cuts to create a fast-paced, hectic edit.尽管这种方法在一些电影上的使用效果不错,但是却不适用于另外一些电影,《谍影重重5》就是这样一部电影。其导演保罗·格林格拉斯用手持摄像机拍摄了几组镜头,然后采用快速剪切的办法来营造一种快节奏、紧张刺激的感觉。
        It appears that converting this into 3D has made the film hard to watch, and has caused audiences to feel nauseous.但是似乎把这些东西转换成3D的话,电影就根本没法儿看,观众们都看得犯恶心。



        Why not watch in 2D? 为什么不直接看2D版本的呢?
        Normally, Chinese cinemas offer audiences a choice.But in the case of Matt Damon's new movie, the vast majority opted only to show it in 3D in its opening week.一般来说,中国电影院会让观众自己选择。但是马特•达蒙主演的《谍影重重5》在中国上映首周期间,大多数影院都只提供3D版本。
        Out of 149 cinemas in Beijing, only eight are currently showing the 2D version, according to local media.In Shanghai, it's said to be only nine out of 174.据中国媒体报道,在全北京149家电影院里,只有8家电影院目前在放映2D版本的《谍影重重5》。而在全上海174家电影院里,只有9家影院在放映该电影的2D版本。
        Movie-goers have complained about this on social media, with some claiming it's an attempt to force them to pay premium prices.Following the backlash, Universal Picture says it now aims to add more 2D screenings.电影观众们在社交媒体上对此怨声载道,一些人声称电影院之所以不放映2D版本是想要强迫观众支付溢价。继中国观众的强烈抵制之后,环球影片公司表示说将增加更多的2D放映场次。

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