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发表于 2016-8-6 08:47:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
        1) Finding Dory isn't the absolute best sequel Pixar's produced — but it's a close call《海底总动员2》绝对不是皮克斯公司出品的最棒的续片,但已经差不多是最好的了。



        Sequels have long had a reputation for being watered-down versions of their original movies. But Pixar has largely avoided that pitfall, with touching follow-ups like Toy Story 2 and Toy Story 3 — fantastic movies in their own right — and Monsters University. 电影续片长期以来都有“注水版原片”的恶名,但皮克斯差不多总是能避过这个陷阱。它出品过好多感人的续片,如《玩具总动员2》和《玩具总动员3》本身都是优秀的影片,除此之外还有《怪兽大学》。
        Finding Dory, thankfully, follows in that tradition. Writer and co-director Andrew Stanton (Finding Nemo, Wall-E) turns to roughly the same structure as the original movie.This time, though, Dory and company's grand adventure is in search of her long-lost parents. 谢天谢地,《海底总动员2》沿袭了这一传统。剧作者和合作导演安德鲁·斯坦顿(《海底总动员》和《机器人总动员》的导演)基本上运用了和原片相同的故事结构。只不过,这一次,多莉和伙伴们历尽艰险是为了寻找她失散多年的父母。
        But even though its story mimics Nemo's, Finding Dory necessarily becomes something a little different with Dory in the role of main protagonist instead of loopy sidekick.但是,尽管故事模仿了第一部,《海底总动员2》还是与原片有些不同,这里的多莉成了主角,而不再是傻乎乎的配角。
        2) The voice cast — both old and new — is stellar新老配音演员都是亮点



        I was genuinely surprised by how happy I was to hear Ellen DeGeneres's Dory and Albert Brooks's Marlin bickering again; the two actors return to these roles with the comfortable ease of someone putting on a well-worn pair of slippers.再次听到艾伦·德詹尼丝(多莉的配音演员)和阿尔伯特·布鲁克斯(玛林的配音演员)拌嘴的时候,我可真是喜出望外;两位配音演员又带着他们的角色回来了,那种舒服的感觉就像是穿了一双合脚好穿的拖鞋。
        Since Finding Dory swaps the open-ocean adventures of Finding Nemo for the marine life rehabilitation center near Monterey Bay. So there's a whole new host of animal species we get to meet, from a nearsighted whale shark (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia's Kaitlin Olson) to a beluga whale that struggles with echolocation (Modern Family's Ty Burrell) to a pair of sleepy seals (The Wire's Dominic West and Idris Elba). And in Dory's flashbacks, Eugene Levy and Diane Keaton play her loving and deeply concerned parents.因为《海底总动员2》的故事场景由第一部的大海深处换到了蒙特雷湾附近的海洋生物康复中心,所以我们会看到许多全新的动物:从近视眼的鲸鲨(《费城总是艳阳天》演员凯特琳·奥尔森配音),到回声定位能力失调的白鲸(《摩登家庭》演员泰·布利尔配音),再到一对嗜睡的海豹(《火线》演员多米尼克·韦斯特和伊德瑞斯·艾尔巴配音)。而在多莉倒叙的故事情节中,尤金·列维和黛安·基顿分别配音扮演了多莉充满爱意又忧心忡忡的父母。
        3) If Dory was the breakout star of Finding Nemo, a cranky octopus is the same for Finding Dory如果说多莉是《海底总动员》中的逗逼,那么古怪章鱼就是《海底总动员2》中的怪咖



        The best and most significant cast addition is Ed O'Neill as Hank, a tired and cranky octopus who just wants to get transferred to a zoo where he can spend the rest of his life stretching his tentacles in solitary peace. The seemingly mismatched pairing isn't so different from that of Dory and Marlin in Finding Nemo, but O'Neill does a masterful job throughout the movie of evolving Hank's initial contempt into something more like gruff affection.新片角色中最大的变化是增加了由艾德·奥尼尔配音的汉克——一只懒洋洋的古怪章鱼,只想着转到动物园去,好在那里找个僻静的角落一个人舒展触手度过余生。虽然这对看起来错配的搭档与《海底总动员》中的多莉和玛林没什么不同,但是艾德·奥尼尔在整部影片中的精彩配音成功地将汉克骨子里那种傲慢演绎出了一种高冷范儿。
        4) "Piper" — the short film before Dory — makes those birds you swat away at the beach as cute as a pile of goddamn puppies影片前的小短片《鹬》让那群你在海滩上挥之不去的小鸟变得可爱无敌



        I have to leave some things to the imagination, and the animation in "Piper" — the short film that airs immediately before Dory. Focusing on a tiny sandpiper bird as she learns how to hunt for mollusks in the surf, "Piper" tells an incredibly touching story with absolutely zero words. The little sandpiper's simultaneous fear and determination will resonate with anyone who's been forced outside their comfort zone and is a fitting primer for Dory's travels ahead.我必须要说一说在影片前放映的小短片《鹬》,想象力丰富,动画效果奇佳。《鹬》讲述了一只小矶鹬学习在海浪中捕食软体动物的故事,感人肺腑,通篇没有一句对白。小沙鹬心中非常恐惧,但同时又意志坚定,呼应了每个被迫走出舒适区的人的心情,放在多莉的历险之前放映也非常应景。
        5) Dory's journey is incredibly moving, will probably make you cry多莉的旅程非常感人,可能会把你弄哭哦
        Finding Dory doesn't just find a quest for Dory to embark upon, it also gives her real, deeply emotional reasons for doing so. The fact that Dory forgot her family isn't taken lightly, nor is the toll that constantly forgetting everything has taken on her over the years. Dory is traveling to find her parents, but along the way, she also manages to find herself.《海底总动员》并不仅仅是简单地给多莉找了个任务去启程完成,影片还赋予了她真实、深刻的情感动机。多莉已忘记家人的事实并没有轻描淡写,多年来的健忘造成的种种恶果也没有一笔带过。多莉因寻找父母而踏上征程,但在这个过程中,她也找到了她自己。

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