Charlotte Brontë's classic romance is revived once again with this Ruby Films production directed by Cary Fukunaga (Sin Nombre) and adapted by screenwriter Moira Buffini.
The film sees young Jane Eyre experience a bleak childhood after being orphaned and then bullied by her aunt and cousins.
She decides to go out into the world and finds herself at Thornfield House, where she works as a governess for wealthy Edward Rochester.
Jane grows close to Rochester and finds herself falling in love with him, despite sometimes being scared by him at the same time.
Once Jane starts to grow up, she reflects on her troubled past and soon finds out Mr Rochester has been hiding a terribly dark secret...
Mia Wasikowska and Michael Fassbender have the great honor - and the extraordinary challenge - of bringing these characters to life, as Jane and Rochester respectively, but as they explained to MTV News at the New York City premiere earlier this week, their real-life relationship is nowhere near as dramatically complex.
"We got on really well from the beginning, so it was kind of easy to go from there," Wasikowska said. "The most important thing when you have a relationship that has to be that intense in a film, it's 90 percent being able to get along well and have fun, and I really think we did. We were able to channel that energy into the intensity of the scenes."
男女主人公分别由《X战警》中扮演万磁王的迈克尔·法斯宾德和《爱丽丝梦游仙境》出身的新生代女星米娅·沃斯科斯卡出演。他们的演技之舞大开大阖,不仅有新鲜的化学反应,更有惊心动魄的演技火花。甚至涌现了大量“影史最好的一版《简·爱》”的呼声,电影在线、《纽约时报》等权威媒体争相送上满分。米娅·沃斯科斯卡与朱迪·丹奇成为冲击明年奥斯卡影后/女配角的种子选手。摄影、艺术指导、服装设计、化妆、配乐等同样令人难以忘怀…… |