“走投无路”在英语口语里能怎么说? 蹩脚口语:no way out 地道口语:up against the wall
影视来源:奥斯卡热门《无耻混蛋》 剧情引导:在逮到一德国军官之后,杂牌军开始向他一一介绍,其中有一位居然还是个德国人,这位叫做雨果的军官曾经混迹纳粹部队,杀了13个盖世太保......
- Another one up there you might be familiar with. Sergeant Hugo Stiglitz. Heard of him?
- Everybody in the German Army has heard of Hugo Stiglitz.
The reason for Hugo Stiglitz's celebrity among German soldiers is
simple. As a German-enlisted man, he killed 13 Gestapo officers.
Instead of putting him up against a wall, the High Command decided to send him
back to Berlin to be made an example of.
- 另外这个上头的你可能就熟悉一点了。Hugo Stiglitz中士,听过没?
- 德国军队里头,人人皆知Hugo Stiglitz。
- Hugo Stiglitz在德国士兵中间那么出名,原因很简单。他作为一个德国军人,却杀了13个盖世太保。最高司令部并没有把他赶尽杀绝,而是把他押回了柏林想要杀一儆百。 【口语讲解】up against the wall
当人家把你逼到了了墙上,没有退路,也就是走投无路的状况了。up against the wall也就是这个意思,表示处于非常困难的境地。而前面可以加动词put、push等等,表示逼到走投无路或者赶紧杀绝。