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[彭蒙惠英语] 《CSI犯罪现场》因素(1/2)









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发表于 2016-8-6 08:21:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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[B]The CSI Factor (1/2)
Scientists give American judges a "CSI" education[/B]
Earlier this year some of America's top judges spent a week at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory with some of the country's top scientists. They came together to get familiar with the science behind some of the complex issues they encounter in the courtroom.
The judges, mostly from Maryland and Ohio, got a crash course in nanotechnology, synthetic biology and environmental biotechnology-all subjects they may have to tangle with in highly technical cases.
By receiving this instruction, "judges are empowered to do better, understand the issues better and guide the process better," said Rufus King III, chief judges of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. "Judges need to be gatekeepers to keep junk science out of the courtroom."
The program is part of the Advanced Science and TechnologyAdjudicationResourceCenter's (ASTAR) mission to train more science-literate judges.
"This is our only chance to talk to scientists outside the context of a particular case so that we can ask questions," said Judge Joan Zeldon. "They are wonderful teachers ... so it's a great privilege."
Jurors' high expectations
Science is finding its way into the courtroom more and more, and jurors have come to expect scientific evidence to back up a case. Terry Hazen, head of the lab's ecology department, calls it the "CSI factor."
"[Jurors] have become so acclimated to seeing DNA evidence," he said.
In order to manage their courtrooms effectively in the midst of progressive scientific research, around 50 judges came to Berkeley to get a handle on the science they could face in cases with environmental issues, such as the legality of using genetically modified bacteria for hazardous waste clean up.
"It's good for them to understand whether to exclude a certain expert or allow certain evidence and help them make better decisions," Hazen said.
Vocabulary Focus

crash course (n. phr) ---a course that teaches you a lot of basic facts in a very short time
tangle with (phr. v) ---to become involved with, usually through disagreement or difficulty
gatekeeper (n) ---a person who allows or prevents people from accessing something
acclimated (adj) ---changes to suit different conditions of life, weather, etc.
Specialized Terms
CSI (Crime Scene Investigation) (n. phr) ---(警务部门的)犯罪现场调查组;电视剧(CSI犯罪现场)a division of a police department; also a series of television shows
[B]nanotechnology[/B] (n) ---纳米科技the science and technology of building electronic circuits and devices from single atoms and molecules
[B]adjudication[/B] (n) ---判决judgment in a competition or argument or a formal decision about something

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2016-8-6 08:56:50 | 显示全部楼层
《 CSI 犯罪现场》因素
科学家为美国法官进行一段《 CSI 犯罪现场》教育
马励译 -
受过这方面的指导后, " 法官就能更明察秋毫,更了解诉讼议题,也更能引导审讯过程, " 哥伦比亚特区高等法院首席法官茹福斯 · 金恩三世表示 :" 法官必须扮演守门人的角色,让伪科学从法庭销声匿迹。 "
这项计划是 " 先进科技判决资源中心 "(ASTAR) 的任务之一,这个中心旨在训练更多具备科学知识的法官。
" 这是我们唯一可以在不谈个别案件情形下跟科学家沟通的机会,我们可以借机请教他们, " 法官琼安 · 塞尔顿说 :" 他们是很好的老师 ...... 我们深感荣幸。 "
科学日益参与法庭作业,而陪审员也期待科学证据能支持讼案。劳伦斯柏克莱实验室生态部门主管泰瑞 · 黑森称此为 "C( csr 犯罪现场》因素 " 。
"( 陪审员 ) 已经非常习惯看 DNA‘ 证据。 " 他说。
有鉴于科学研究日新月异,为了使法庭工作更有效,大约 50 名法官来到柏克莱汲取他们可能在涉及环保议题的案件上碰到的科学知识,这些议题包括使用基因改造细菌清理有害废弃物的合法性。
" 这么做有利他们了解是否要排除某位专家的,或同意采用某个证据来帮助他们作出更好的裁 " 黑森这么表示。
* 译注 : 脱氧核糖核酸,是染色体和基因的组成部见。
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