执行制片人斯蒂芬·内森表示:“很多美剧都有拍过30年代黑白电影风格的特集,但我们想把时间再往前推到30年代,模仿大萧条时期的喜剧风格,比方1936年William Powell和Carole Lombard领衔的《我的高德弗里》,或者1934年Powell和Myrna Loy主演的《瘦人》,他们在大萧条的中期却依然衣食无忧,充实生活——饮酒作乐,破案救人。”
Temperance Brennan饮酒作乐哈?好值得期待的画面哇!
Moonlighting did it back in the 80's. And now Fox's Bones is planning an all black and white episode to air this spring.
“A lot of shows have done those 40’s film noir episodes,” the show's executive producer Stephen Nathan tells me. “But what we’re thinking of doing is going back a few more years to a 1930’s era homage to Depression-Era comedies like (1936's) "My Man Godfrey" (starring William Powell and Carole Lombard) or (1934's) "The Thin Man" (starring Powell and Myrna Loy as Nick and Nora Charles), where they’re living the high life in the midst of the Depression - drinking and having a good time while solving murders.”
What a bizarre concept - Temperance Brennan drinking and having a good time?!
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