John Brodgeland,
at-risk youths
John Brodgeland, one of the report's authors, pointed out that these kids wanted to be doctors and nurses and engineers and astronauts and then they hit the schoolhouse door and they're confronted with an environment which is not inspiring, not engaging and often disorderly and unsafe. Some had high grades and were just bored out of their minds. They found no connection between the classroom and life and their career aspirations.
In order to reduce the number of dropouts, John Brodgeland recommends federal, state and local efforts to offer students school options, engage parents and create early-warning systems for at-risk youths. He also calls for more accurate tracking of dropouts and consideration of raising the legal dropout age to 18.约翰·布里奇兰德是此项调查报告的作者之一,他指出,这些中途辍学的孩子本来抱着日后能够成为医生、护士、工程师或是宇航员的希望来上学,但他们的学习环境毫无激情和吸引力,并且时常混乱无序,使他们最终选择了退学。他们中有的人考试分数很高,只不过是产生了很强的厌倦感,觉得在课堂所学知识与自己的日常生活及今后的职业前景没有任何联系。
为了减少辍学者的数量,约翰·布里奇兰德建议美国联邦及地方政府尽力帮助学生选择适合自己的学校,让学生家长也真正地关心此事。同时,针对那些有辍学危险的学生创建早期预防系统。他还呼吁有关部门对辍学者进行跟踪调查,并且可以考虑将法定辍学年龄提高到18岁。 |