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发表于 2016-7-29 08:31:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama hasannounced a new initiative to protect parts ofthe Pacific Ocean from overfishing andenvironmental damage. He announced his planin a video message to an internationalconference on the oceans at the U.S. StateDepartment.
  For years, scientists and environmentalists have warned that oceans are deteriorating becauseof human activity, mostly pollution and overfishing, but political leaders have lacked the will todo much about it. The Obama administration is now taking a step towards finding a solution.
  Obama announced Tuesday that he is directing the federal government to create a nationalstrategy to combat illegal fishing and pollution in the Pacific Ocean.
  "Pollution endangers marine life, overfishing threatens whole species as well as the people whodepend on them for food and their livelihoods. If we ignore these problems, if we deplete ouroceans of their resources, we won't just be squandering one of the humanities greatesttreasures, we'll be cutting off one of the world's major sources of food and economic growthincluding for the United States, and we cannot afford to let that happen," said Obama.
  Obama's videotaped message was shown during the "Our Ocean" conference at the U.S. StateDepartment.
  Some of the possible measures, such as bans on fishing and industrial exploration in parts ofthe central Pacific, are expected to spark political battles in Washington.
  "I'm going to use my authority as president to protect some of our most precious marinelandscapes, just like we do for mountains, rivers and forests," said Obama.
  Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio, an environmental activist, supports the effort.
  "Several billion people a year depend on seafood as a source of protein and yet we are failingto protect these vital waters. If we don't do something to save our oceans now, it won't bejust the sharks and the dolphins that will suffer, it will be all of us, including our children and ourgrandchildren," said DiCaprio.
  Secretary of State John Kerry hosted the conference, attended by members of theinternational oceans community, government ministers, scientists and advocates.
  "We have today received commitments for action in over [$1.45 billion] and that is all directed atthis ocean effort," said Kerry.
  Kerry also announced progress on efforts to get the required number of nations needed toratify an international port law that would prevent illegally caught fish from going to market.
  President Obama's proposal is due to go into effect later this year.
  1.initiative n. 主动权;首创精神 adj. 主动的;自发的;起始的;主动的行动;倡议
  Such initiative is highly commendable.
  2.deplete vt. 耗尽,用尽;使衰竭,使空虚
  The drought has depleted their supply of water.
  3.ratify vt. 批准;认可
  A resolution that conditions should be improved has been ratified.

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