A flock of sheep were left feeling rather woolly-headed after accidentally munching on thousands of pounds worth of cannabis plants.一群绵羊感到头晕目眩,原来它们不小心嚼食了价值数千英镑的大麻类植物。
The animals began stumbling about after getting high on seven bags of the intoxicating plant, which had been dumped in their field.这些动物误食了被人遗弃在草地上的七袋具有毒性的植物,出现吸毒后兴奋症状,走路也开始东倒西歪。
Police won’t be taking action against the sheep for tucking into their illegal meal, but are determined to catch the “irresponsible” crooks who grew and discarded the class B drug.警方不会对这些误食了毒性草料的绵羊加以惩治,但是他们决定要逮住那些种植并遗弃了这些B类毒品的“不负责任的”恶棍们。
The £4,000 hoard of cannabis plants, each about 3ft tall, was found by the flock at the edge of Fanny’s Farm in Merstham, Surrey.这批价值4000英镑的大麻类植物大约每株3英尺高,是在萨利郡梅尔萨姆镇的法妮农场边境上首先被一群羊发现的。
Farm shop manager Nellie Budd said: "My sheep being inquisitive had an interesting feast on it. They weren't quite on their backs with legs in the air but they probably had the munchies.农场商场部经理内莉·巴德称:“我的这群羊一向很有好奇心,它们的好奇心给它们带来了有趣的收获。它们还不至于四蹄朝天或者如坠云雾,不过它们应该是饱餐了一顿。”
"They haven't had any other side effects but I'll tell you about the meat next week.“它们没有表现出任何其他的副作用,不过到下个星期我才能告诉你它们的肉质有没有变化。”
Investigating officer Detective Constable David Fair said: "It is extremely irresponsible for whoever dumped these illegal plants in this way."负责调查此事的官方人员,大卫·菲尔警探称:“无论是谁,这样丢弃这些非法植物都是极不负责任的。”
"We are doing all we can to find out how the drugs came to be at the location and who is responsible for growing and discarding the plants."“我们正竭尽全力调查这些毒品是怎么来到此地的,还在调查谁要对种植和丢弃这些植物负责。”
However, bringing the criminals to justice will be a challenge because the sheep chomped their way through quite a lot of the evidence.不过,要将那些罪犯绳之以法可能有些挑战,因为绵羊们已经嚼掉了大部分的证据。 |