An Australian woman who paid £800 for two new Apple iPhones lost her money when she opened the boxes - and found two real green apples inside.一位澳大利亚女子花了800英镑买了两部新的苹果iPhone手机,在收到盒子的时候却发现里面只有两颗真正的青苹果,这名女子的钱就这么打水漂了。
The 21-year-old Brisbane woman had placed an advertisement in an online buy-and-sell site saying she was looking to purchase a number of iPhones.这名21岁的女子来自澳大利亚东部城市布里斯班,她在一个在线购物网站发广告表示自己想求购几部iPhone手机。
Police in the Queensland town of Upper Mt Gravatt, near Brisbane, said that not long after the advert was placed in the Gumtree site a woman called and said she had two Apples for sale.昆士兰Upper Mt Gravatt 小镇上的警方表示,广告发布在这个叫Gumtree的网站后,一名女子打电话过来声称自己有两部苹果手机要出售。
Senior Constable Jess Hopkin of the Upper Mt Gravatt Crime Prevention Unit said the two women arranged to meet at a McDonald's outlet, where the transaction took place.Upper Mt Gravatt预防犯罪机构的高级警员杰西-霍普金说,这两名女子安排在麦当劳会面进行交易。
The purchaser handed over $1500, the equivalent of £800, and was given two new iPhone boxes in return, the Quest community newspaper of Queensland reported today. Her mistake was to not look inside.根据昆士兰当地报纸的报道,买家付了1500美元(约为800英镑),拿到了两个新的iPhone手机盒,但她犯了个严重的错就是没检查盒子里面。
On returning home the young woman opened the boxes and found to her horror that they contained real apples.一回到家打开盒子,她很惊恐地发现盒子里装着的竟然是真正的苹果。
Senior Constable Hopkin warned people to be wary when they buy anything online.'If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. It's really just common sense.' she said.霍普金警员警告大家网购时需谨慎。她表示:“如果你觉得某件事儿太好了,好得非常不真实,那十有八九就是假的,这真的是常识问题。”
Commentators writing on an online site weren't letting the buyer off the hook with their criticism.不过购物网站上的评论者们可不会这么轻易放过这个倒霉的买家,他们对这位姑娘大加批评。
'I don't know anyone that would hand over $1500 to a stranger without checking the item,' wrote one man. 'Besides, you can buy a brand new iPhone5 for $700. So if this is a true story then I'm sorry but she deserved it!' 一位男子这样写道:“我从来还没见过这么傻的人,不检查物品就把1500美元交给一个陌生人。再说,现在一部全新iPhone5手机售价也只要700美元。如果这是个真故事,那只能说这姑娘活该了!” |