A video of a little Russian girl saving a cat from a barking dog described as a 'monster puppy' has gone viral on YouTube.一个俄罗斯小女孩勇敢对抗恶犬保护猫咪的视频,目前在Youtube上病毒般流传开来。
The cat is almost the same size as the toddler, who at first struggles to even lift it, but she finally manages to scoop it up and carry it unsteadily but calmly to the relative safety of a set of stairs.猫咪的身量几乎和小女孩相当。起先小女孩举起猫咪都有些费劲,但最后还是双手环抱住了,蹒跚不稳但镇定自若地抱着它走到了相对安全的台阶上。
The large black and white cat appears totally unfazed by the incident and rests patiently in the little girl's arms as the dog follows her, barking and jumping up.这只黑白相间的猫咪看起来似乎一点不担心眼前的状况,只是安静地趴在女孩的臂弯中,而那只狗则是跟着女孩,不停地吠叫跳跃却一无所获。
The little girl walks confidently along a path towards a wooden building where she safely deposits the cat on the stairs.小女孩镇定地走过木屋前的小道,最终顺利地把小猫安置在了楼梯上。
It's not clear exactly where the video was taken but it is thought to be in a part of rural Russia. The little girl, who looks around two years old or younger, is clearly an animal fan as she is wearing an animal mask on her head.虽然不清楚视频是在哪里拍的,不过这却展现了俄罗斯乡村的一袭风情。小女孩看似只有2岁,也许更小,不过看来却是个十足的动物迷,头上还带着动物面具。
Two grownups carrying watering cans call out instructions and encouragement to the little girl as she walks at least 50 metres through what looks like a garden to take the cat to safety.两个提水经过的大人对她叮嘱鼓励,最终小女孩走过了花园,把猫咪送到了安全的地带。这段路至少有50米,对她而言可算很远了。
The look of determination on the girl's face might be indicative that this is a common occurrence, and the dog certainly sounds vicious, although it clearly respects this brave little girl. Its bark is clearly worse than its bite.她脸上坚定的神情告诉我们这事儿并不是第一次发生。那只狗看起来很凶恶,但却很尊重这个勇敢的小姑娘。它的叫声肯定不如牙齿有力呀。 |