1. 我会重新考虑我的结论。
2. 你的行为违背了你宣称的道德准则。
3. 互相尊重的精神是我们今天文化合作的基础。
4. 我们对史密斯先生非常出色而又发人深省的演说表示感谢。
5. 1945年以来,广泛应用的很多技术—特别是电视和电脑—向我们展现了一个更加光明的未来。
6. Twenty dollars a week doesn’t go far. Expenses had been greater than she had calculated.(英译汉)
1. 你们两个一步也不许走。
Don’t either of you go a step.
2. 科技股因为微软公司大幅盈利而有所回升。
Tech stocks rallied due to Microsoft's strong earnings.
3. 演艺事业突然一落千丈,他便借酒浇愁。
His acting career took a nosedive and he turned to drink for solace.
4. 日本公司为满足市场需求而增加生产等离子平板电视。
Japanese companies ramped up their output of LCD flat screen televisions.
5. 显然,对于那些因妻子的生理问题不能生育的夫妇来说,“试管”婴儿是一种补救办法。
Obviously, the “test-tube” baby is a help to couples who can’t have children because of physical problems in the woman.
6. Della finished her cry and attended to her cheeks with the powder rag. (英译汉)