本次听力考试长对话第一篇难度略低与以往水平,话题关于瑞典的天气和生活方式,对话以man speaker提供信息为主,woman speaker穿针引线,所以大家集中精力听man speaker的话即可。
文章大意:对话先谈论了瑞典的季节,冬天异常寒冷,低至零下26度,但是室内非常温暖,所以瑞典人到了英国会抱怨室内温度低。接下来讨论了不同季节的日光长度,圣诞节期间每天只有1小时光照,而五月到七月,直到午夜还有还有日照,所以瑞典享有“The Land of Mid-night Sun”的美誉。瑞典人夏季很早上班,下午2,3点就下班,享受漫长的夏季夜晚。他们的生活方式用原文中的一句话来概述就是“They like to work hard, but play hard too.”。
出题点有4处,全部为细节题,第19题:“What do we learn about the man from the conversation?”,答案出现在对话开篇。第20题: “What do Swedish people complain about when they visit England in winter?”,答案出现在文中,瑞典人拜访英国会抱怨英国人的室内很冷。第21题“How does the man describe the short hour of daylight around Christmas in Sweden?”,man speaker 的评论是 “a bit depressing ”. 第22题“What does the man say about the Swedish people?”,瑞典人工作努力,也很会享受盛会。
考场上,大家只要能follow the man speaker’s track,抓住细节,就一定会找出答案。Wish all of you good luck!
考查长对话一般是看两人谈话会有几个话题,换一个话题就会相应地换一个问题。这篇考试也不例外,三个问题分别是1. 男人的专业?2. 男人在中学的工作?3.男人上诺丁汉大学的原因?1和3尤其好辨别,相信同学们做对基本的2道题是肯定没有问题的。
抓住了“话题转换有考题”的技巧后,再运用我们课上反复强调的“听到什么选什么”的技巧,那答案就呼之欲出了。比如1应该是French, 2 是career work, 3是campus environment.再加上我们上课教的学习场景词汇中的高频词degree, secondary school, administration, literature, campus, major。如果考生在考场上能及时激活,那文章的大意一定非常明了。
Passage 2 难度适中,话题是升职,属于商务工作场景,大意是Chris 作为公司的采购部的职员希望得到提升,但是遇到了同是采购部的竞争对手Kim,Kim受到领导的喜欢而且表现也不错。原文描述了Chris和Kim在公司中的表现。涉及到的常考词汇有:purchase, maintenance, interview,salary, promotion, equipment, employee, responsibility。这些词汇在听力商务场景中讲过,要求大家必背的。在阅读课上商务类文章中也讲过数次。接下来我们看看具体的题目和答案所在处。Question 29: what is Chris’s main responsibility at Texalon company? 我们课堂上说篇章一般开头30秒会有一题的答案,这题的答案在第一句话。
Chris is in charge of purchasing and maintaining equipment in his division at Texalon company.
In charge 管理和负责的意思。Purchase采购,maintenance 维修。Question 30: what problem did Chris encounter in his division? Unfortunately, one serious problem develops during the year. Two employees that Chris hired were stealing and he had to fire them. 此题答案在文章中间部分,关键是problem 这个词。Question 31: what does Chris hope for in the near future? He would like to be promoted to the job. Promote 升职。 Would like to 想要。Question 32: what do we learn about Kim from the passage? 原文:Chris knows, however, someone else wants the new job too. Kim is in charge of purchasing and maintenance in another division of the company. Kim这个女人也是负责采购和维修的,她希望得到这个工作。
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