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发表于 2016-7-12 03:35:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  以下是2010年12月18日四级答案 听力篇章二:
          Some people want to make and save a lot of money in order to retire early. I’’ve seen people pursuing higher pay and increasingly demanding careers to accomplish this goal. They make many personal sacrifices in exchange for income today. The problem is that tomorrow might not come even if all goes according to plan.We don’t know how to be happy when you are not working.if we spend our entire life making money. More importantly, who will be around for you to share your lesuire time with? At the other extreme are people who live only for today. “Why bother save when tomorrow may not come.?” they argue. The danger of this approach is that tomorrow may come after all. Our most people don’t want to spend all their tomorrows working for a living. The earlier an collective saving however makes it difficult not to work when you are older. You may be surprised to hear me say that if you must pick an extreme, I think it’s better to pick the spend-all approach. As long as you don't mind continuing to work assuming your healthy lives you should be ok. At least you are making use of your money and hopefully deriving value and pleasure from it. Postponing doing what you love and being with people you love until retirement can be a mistake It may never come. Retirement can be a great time for some people, for others it is a time of boredom, loneliness and poor health.
          question 30-32 are based on the passage you have just heard.
          question 30 Why do some people pursue higher pay and demanding careers?
          question 31 What is the danger facing people who live only for today?
          question 32 What does the speaker seem to advocate?

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