Structure 结构
4 ______ is only enough to supply the needs of thehouse. (11. 3-4)
a.Water of the spring
b.The water in spring
c.The water from the spring
d.Spring water
5 We have parties at the boathouse, built in themeadow ______ (11. 9-10)
a.at the farm by a predecessor of ours
b.for us at the farm by a predecessor
c.by our predecessor at the farm
d.by one of our predecessors at the farm
6 After it ______ for a long time, the river may overflow its banks. (1. 14)
a.is raining
c.has rained
d.had rained
7 The strength of the current would prevent ______ anywhere before it…(1. 24)
a.that it landed
b.it from landing
c.it to land
d.the landing of it
Vocabulary 词汇
8 We ______ the seasons by the riverside…(1. 11)
b.go out to greet
c.celebrate the arrival of
d.invoke the start of
9 We were, however, ______ our nearest neighbours…(1. 19)
a.concerned for
b.occupied with
c.agitated by
d.distressed about
10 ---- and ______ we took turns in watching that point. (1. 22)
a.in the peak of condition
b.in place of the most severe critic
c.at the most dangerous boundary
d.when the flood was at its height
11 ---- and pull it towards our bank before the current carried it ______ … (11. 28-29)
12 ______ we think it a miracle that they were able to do so. (11. 29-30)
a.To this day
b.Up till now
c.As yet
d.Even so