6. despise v.鄙视,轻视,看不起
He despised people who were lavish with their praises.他瞧不起那些阿谀奉承之人。
look down upon(口语)鄙视,瞧不起
She looks down up on people who’ve never been to university.
Make light of (idm.)贬低,轻视,瞧不起
The matter was much made light of in the press.这件事情在报纸上被极力贬低。
disdain v.(表示傲慢地轻蔑,有不值得看一眼的含义)
Despite his misfortunes he disdained all help or pity.
scorn v.极其轻蔑的对待(指言语表情的轻蔑,比disdain强)
He scorned his proposal .他藐视他的提议。
7. Appeal v.投合,吸引
His sense of humor appealed to me enormously.
appeal to sb.引起兴趣
catch /take sb.’s fancy (idm.)中……的意,吸引
I saw a dress in the shop window and it caught my fancy immediately.
attract sb./sth 吸引,引起对……兴趣
I’m very attracted to her.她对我有很大的吸引力。