比如,如果要向大家介绍一个我喜欢的明星,Angelina Jolie,我们可以用到哪些句子呢?
首先,人物登场,得先有个引入吧:Among all the legendary film stars is Angelina Jolie, who is my favorite.主句是个介词倒装句,而从句是非限制性定语从句,这个句型可算是非常万用的。(课文原句L36: Among them will be Debbie’s mother, who swam the Channel herself when she was a girl.)
接下来,需要对Jolie迷人的外表进行一个勾勒。课文中用了鲜明特点加细节的处理方法,非常生动简洁,我们试着模仿:She is an angle-like, charming lady with a great many fantastic stories. Her eyes even can talk when you look into her photos. (课文原句L40: Mrs. Rumblod was a large, unsmiling lady in a tight black dress. She did not even look up when I took my seat beside her.)
有了外貌,接下来对其近况做一点更新,借用课文中一个表达人物变化的好句型:Jolie has always been the dream girl of her countless fans all over the world, and things turned so fine recently that she became a pattern mother and wife of a happy family. (课文原句L51:My friend, Hugh, has always been fat, but things got so bad recently that he decided to go on a diet.)
看了她的现状,大家不由自主会想到她的过去,于是借用课文中一个进行今昔对比的例句:Before she got married, Jolie once was the icon of girls who don’t want to be mothers, for as a child, she herself suffered a lot from her broken family.(课文原句L31:Before he retired, Frank was the head of a very large business company, but as a boy he used to work in a small shop.)
讲到性感女神升级成散发母性魅力的幸福代言人后,我们再用课文中的一个原本夸张幽默的小句子来补充一下:Recently, for the first time in her life, she became the proud mother of baby twins, together with four other kids.(课文原句L49:For the first time in his life, he became the proud owner of a real bed which had springs and mattress.)
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