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Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2016-7-11 22:39:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  As happy as a clown
  As happy as a lark
  As happy as Larry
  As hard as nails
  As high as a kite
  As hoarse as a crow
  As hot as hell
  As hungry as a bear
  As hungry as a wolf
  As innocent as a lamb
  As keen as mustard
  As large as life
  As light as a feather
  As light as air
  As likely as not
  As lowly as a worm
  As mad as a hatter
  As mad as a hornet
  As mad as the march hare
  As merry as a cricket
  As modest as a maiden
  As much use as a yard of pump water
  As naked as a baby
  As neat as a pin
  As nutty as a fruitcake
  As obstinate as a mule
  As old as the hills
  As pale as death
  As patient as Job
  As plain as day
  As pleased as Punch
  As poor as a church mouse
  As poor as dirt
  As pretty as a picture
  As proud as a peacock
  As pure as snow
  As pure as the driven snow
  As quick as a wink
  As quick as lightning
  As quick as silver
  As right as rain
  As safe as houses
  As scarce as hen's teeth
  As sensitive as a flower
  As sharp as a needle
  As sharp as a razor
  As sick as a dog
  As sick as a parrt
  As silent as the dead
  As silly as a goose
  As slippery as an eel
  As slow as molasses
  As slow as a snail
  As slow as a tortoise
  As smooth as silk
  As snug as a bug in a rug
  As sober as a judge
  As soft as a baby's bottom
  As solid as a rock
  As solid as the ground we stand on
  As sound as a bell
  As sour as vinegar
  As steady as a rock
  As sticky as jam
  As stiff as a board
  As still as death
  As straight as an arrow
  As strong as an ox
  As stubborn as a mule
  As sturdy as an oak
  As sure as death and taxes
  As sweet as honey
  As tall as a giraffe
  As tight as a drum
  As thick as a brick
  As thin as a rake
  As thin as a toothpick
  As timid as a rabbit
  As tough as leather
  As tough as nails
  As tough as old boots
  As tricky as a box of monkeys
  As welcome as a skunk at a lawn party
  As white as a ghost
  As white as a sheet
  As white as snow
  As wise as Solomon
  As wise as an owl

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