魅力: [ glamour ]
1. fascination
2. charm
enchantment | loveliness | spell | witchcraft | witchery | hypnotism | lure | captivation | oveliness | pull | attractiveness | charisma | allurement | witching | vigour | invitation
1. 我丈夫年轻时英俊、诚挚、富有魅力。
My husband was handsome, spontaneous and charming in his youth.
2. 她生动活泼的性格使她非常富有魅力。
Her colorful character makes her very charming.
3. 她有难以形容的魅力。
She has a subtle charm.
4. 他天生聪明、 能力强、 有魅力等等.
He has a great deal of native intelligence, ability, charm, etc.
5. 他很快就让她的魅力给迷住了.
He soon fell victim to her charms.
6. 她有沉鱼落雁的魅力!
She could charm the birds from the trees!
7. 我认为她是很有魅力的女孩。
I think she is a very attractive girl.
8. 她是个很有魅力的女人, 而且很富有.
She's an attractive woman, and wealthy to boot. |