Passage 89
What I want to focus on is the principles that underlie to relationship between New Zealand and the P.R.C. // Politically, China is becoming increasingly interested in playing an active role in international affairs.// China has joined many regional and international bodies and is becoming an influential global power.// It has become obvious that there is a good basis for mutual understanding, since we shared common views on many international issues.//
Passage 90
Mr. President, may I thank you for the privilege of speaking here.// I should also thank you for ensuring me such an attentive audience.// May I wish you and your faculty colleagues every success in your future work..// And to the students, I should like to wish you good fortune with your studies and a satisfying and successful career ahead.//
Passage 91
Let us take a look at the most important commodity I the world information.// The advancement of communication technology has given us the ability to know and understand what is going on in any part of the world at any given time.// It has become imperative for us to understand the implications of economic and political change and the impact that this has on our daily life.// Financial institutions have put great emphasis on developing technology that will enable us to have the edge on (胜过,战胜)our competitors.//
Passage 92
非常荣幸有机会在研讨会上以“文化冲突与融合”为题进行发言。(to address the seminar on the topic of “The clash and Fusion of Cultures”)// 首先,我对Dr. Johnson 提出的全球冲突源于文化冲突这一观点深表不安。// 这种观点反映了人们对西方文明的前途怀有一种与日俱增的困惑感// 我们承认不同文化之间的巨大差异,但若这些差异夸大为政治冲突出和战争则是极其危险的。//
实习编辑:褚萍湘 |