Passage 33
We hold that each nation, large or small, has a right to determine its own form of government, its own course of development, free of outside interference or domination.// We have a social and political system which differs in many respects from your own due to different experiences and a different tradition.// This system of ours does not always produce results of which we all approve, but it is a political system deeply rooted in the instincts of our people.// We do not aim to impose our own ideas on other people and we believe that people with different political and social systems should live side by side.//
Passage 34
We do not assess in identical fashion all aspects of today’s world.// Which our distinct histories, geographies and cultures, it is inconceivable that we could see eye to eye on all issues.// but we do agree on the equally fundamental need for all countries to determine their own fate and design their own future.// In that spirit, I ask all of you present here to join me in a toast to the friendship and cooperation of our two peoples which can lead to friendship and peace for all peoples in the world.//
Passage 35
世界注视着我们,世界倾听着我们,世界等着看我们要做什么。// 我们应该给下代留下什么遗产呢?// 他们注定要因为困扰(plague)旧世界的仇恨而痛苦地死去呢还是因为我们有建设一个新世界的远见而注定要快乐地生活呢?// 现在便是决断的时刻。现在就是我们抛却(cast aside) 旧日的偏见和仇恨去营造一个更加美好的世界的时刻。
Passage 36
非常感谢各位能在一年中最繁忙的季节,从百忙中拔冗光临我们的新春联欢晚会。// 特别有幸的是,今晚我们还请到了从加拿大远道而来的本森电子公司的朋友们。// 有如此杰出的贵宾与我们一起共同欢度春节,我们深感自豪与荣幸。// 我们将尽自己之所能使各位度过一个最轻松、最欢乐,最难忘的夜晚。//
实习编辑:褚萍湘 |