1.High-school age boys are more likely to be obese than their female counterparts. Only 30% of high-school age boys get the recommended 60 minutes of daily exercises.
2.Innovation is like a bamboo shoot. A bamboo shoot spends many years underground and then it just peaks its head up like a seedling and it just shoots up very quickly.
3.Walmart will be offering some online specials as early as 8am on Thanksgiving. Some of the in-store deals will also be available online. But other will be Internet-only specials.
4.Small companies can’t get the credit they need. Statistics show that a big drop in lending to small businesses in the last quarter of 2012 and conditions remain tight throughout 2013.
5.Eating more than 18 ounces of red meat per week ups your risk of colorectal cancer. Its risk also rises by 40% with every 3 ounce serving of processed meat eaten per day.
本次的句子听译中,前三句难度适中:第一句进行了男女生的比较,出现两个简单数字;第二句讲创新犹如竹笋,考生容易将“seedling”听成“ceiling”,根据上下文明显读不通,只能根据文意猜出应该是“幼苗”的意思;第三句讲感恩节那天沃尔玛的打折,课上提到过“Black Friday”和“Cyber Sale Monday”的背景,考生若有印象就更能从容应对。
第五句的数字比第一句要难,考生更容易在“colorectal cancer”和“serving”上卡壳,但可以根据平时听闻的“吃红肉容易罹患肠癌”进行组句。
段落听译第一篇又出现了常考话题——Crime & Punishment,将犯罪分为轻罪和重罪两种类型,并分别讲述了两种不同的惩罚方式。比较难记的是中间的列举:“burglary, robbery, kidnapping, rape and murder ”。
第二篇的主题——culture shock(文化冲击)——也并非第一次出现。与之前出现的形式不同,此篇是一大篇lecture中的总起段,概括了下文将要阐述的三方面:为什么会产生文化冲击,文化冲击的不同阶段,以及为何要投入大量时间和金钱对其进行研究。这三点是得分的要点。