译文一:Though China has achieved impressive results in its development, there are still many acute problems, such as overpopulation, weak economic foundation, underdeveloped productivity, highly uneven development, and a fairly sharp contradictionbetween the country's ecological environment and natural resources on the one hand and its economic and social development on the other. China's per capita GDP, though reaching the record high of 1,000 US dollars last year, still ranks behind the 100th place in the world. To make China's modernization program a success and deliver a prosperous life for all the Chinese people still requires a long and uphillbattle.
译文二:For all the remarkable gains China has scored, many challenges still lie ahead/remain out there. China is burdened/saddledwith a large population, built on a weak economic foundation, and challenged by underdeveloped productivity and disparities in development. The fast-growing economy is also struggling with an acute/salient imbalance between ecological wellbeing and natural resource availability on the one hand and socio-economic development on the other. China’s per capita GDP has exceeded/topped US$1,000, but has yet to rank among top 100 on the world’s list. That means China still has a long, hard journey to go before it can achieve full modernization and prosperity for all.
1. 在第一句中,很显然是一个转折关系,但是后面的成分太多。英文有一个大致的规律,并列部分一般为两到三个,而中文的流水账式的句子可能多达七八个并列,怎么办?按照英文特点合理切分是上策。译文一是典型直译,属于口译语体甚至是同传顺句驱动的处理方法。在行文中大家要注意冠词的使用。我们说:lay a solid foundation, 很显然foundation 可以作为可数名词,而且economic foundation 前面还有weak,似乎少了一个a。最大的问题还是出现在了“矛盾比较突出”这里,典型的Chinglish,有经验的翻译在处理“矛盾”二字时都会十分小心,其实这里的矛盾就是强调无法取到二者的平衡,很难balance或者reconcile二者,名词首选imbalance,国内英译稿绝大部分也是选择该词。在译文二中,选择了“for all the…”这种句式表达转折逻辑,遵循英文句子宜短不宜长的原则,果断断句。之后的并列成分并没有如汉语一一罗列,而是采用了灵活动词词组,让英文句子产生形象或立体化。关于发展不平衡或者差距这类的词,大家多阅读英文杂志会发现,母语者更多会选用disparities这个词,如:urban-rural disparities/income disparities,当然这不是说gap/divide不可以,而是翻译也要入乡随俗,英文里哪些词最常用我们采用拿来主义。另一个例子就是“目前”,我们习惯了at present,事实上你会发现这个表达在英文里真的并不常见,反倒是“at the moment, at this point”出现频率更多,大家不妨到google上求证一下。
2. “虽然中国人均国内生产总值已经突破1000美元,但仍排在世界一百位以后”该句相对简单,但是译文一结构欠妥,英文很少把though放在这样一个位置,后面还要搭配ing。Though在英文中似乎放在句末的情况居多,结构为:…, though. 其实转折部分前半句为陈述句、在后半句加一个but就完全可以解决问题,口译课我也是跟学员强调这么处理,至少不会出错。
3. “中国要实现现代化,使全体人民都过上富裕生活,还需要进行长期不懈的艰苦奋斗。”这个句子要用到基本句式结构“we have to do sth. if we are to do sth. else”或者“we still have a long way to go before we can do sth.”,语感较好、阅读量较大的学员应该对这样的句式非常熟悉。译文一还是有一些硬伤,如:deliver sth. to sb.,不是for sb., “a long and uphill battle”缺乏语感,英文中两个形容词中间多数情况下并不需要加and,学员可以自己到google查证一下,如:The UK faces a long uphill battle that is only just beginning.在译文二中大家还要培养语感,学习that means在英文中如何连接句子,承上启下。