所在地 seat, the seat of the national government
宪法 The Constitution
规定,供应;预备 provision, provisions for freedom of speech
镇 township
民选政府 elective government
极度的;至高的 a. supreme
司法的;公正的;明确的 a. Judicial
美国国会 Congress
民众选票 popular vote
选票 voting ballot
投票站 booth
起草人 drafter
陪审团 jury
行政的 a. executive
立法的 a. legislative
参议院 Senate
众议院 House of Representatives
最高法院 supreme court
过度的;不正当的; a. undue
权力和职责 powers and activities
民有,民治,民享的政府 "of, by and for the people"
不尽职守 failing to perform their duties properly
严重违法 serious violation of law
预料到将来可能要对宪法进行修改 saw that the future might bring a need for change
规定了修正宪法的办法 provided a method of adding amendments.
逮捕,财产查抄 seizure of persons or property
及时审理 have a speedy trial by a jury of fellow citizens
防止任何一个部门获得过份的权力 prevents any one branch from gaining undue power
在…中确立的原则为基础 are based on the priciples estabilished in ….
规定法制的准则,让人民自由地过自己的生活 provide a framework of law and order in which they are left free to run their own lives.
制定外交政策,并草拟国内法律 formulates foreign policy and prepares laws from the
home front
全世界的人民都注视着他 the eyes of the whole world are on him
引发一场危机 precipitate a crisis
同大国签订条约 make a treaty with a foreign power
在生效前 before it comes into force
--The same control applies to laws at home.
--Congress has on several occasions refused to ratify
treaties or give approval to laws proposed by the President.
have the feeling that idealism has gone out the politics
会出现势均立敌的局面 This can lead to some very close contests.
时兴的话;别出兴裁 clever catch phrases
短暂停留 whistle stop tours
发表数不清的演说 delivers countless speeches
--is an advantage…
--the same is true of members of Congress.
--It is unlikely that …
排除这种可能性 rule out such a possibility
--protect the individual against the government
--it has the authority to cancel a law which it considers violates
the Constitution.
--The Court sits for at least four days a week and any individual who has a grievance against the government can apply to it for help.
总司令 Commander in chief
武装部队 armed forces
准备不当的 ill-prepared
总理 prime minister
批准 ratify
总统职位 presidency
争取选民的游说 wooing
独裁者 dictator