Modern market system
Efforts are to be made to build a market system that is uniform but open, orderly and competitive.
9. 建立公平开放透明的市场规则。实行统一的市场准入制度,在制定负面清单基础上,各类市场主体可依法平等进入清单之外领域。改革市场监管体系,严禁和惩处各类违法实行优惠政策行为,反对地方保护,反对垄断。健全优胜劣汰市场化退出机制。
Make market rules that are fair, open and transparent. Implement a unified market entrance system, with market players of all kinds able to enter equally and legitimately into areas that are not on the negative list. Reform the market regulation system, erasing regional protection, illegitimate favorable policies and monopoly. Perfect the market exit mechanism to promote the survival of the fittest.
10. 完善主要由市场决定价格的机制。凡是能由市场形成价格的都交给市场。推进水、石油、天然气、电力、交通、电信等领域价格改革。政府定价范围主要限定在重要公用事业、公益性服务、网络型自然垄断环节。
Perfect a mechanism where prices are determined by the market. Any price that can be affected by the market must be left to the market. Push ahead with price reforms of water, oil and natural gas, electricity, transportation and telecommunication. Areas in which the government sets prices will be confined to public utilities, public service and areas that are naturally monopolized.
11. 建立城乡统一的建设用地市场。在符合规划和用途管制前提下,允许农村集体经营性建设用地出让、租赁、入股。扩大国有土地有偿使用范围。减少非公益性用地划拨。
Form a construction-land market that unifies urban and rural areas. Allow the sale, leasing and demutualization of rural, collectively owned buildable land under the premise that it conforms to planning. Enlarge the area in which State-owned land can be leased. Reduce land allocation that does not promote public welfare.
12. 完善金融市场体系。扩大金融业对内对外开放。在加强监管前提下,允许具备条件的民间资本依法发起设立中小型银行等金融机构。推进政策性金融机构改革。推进股票发行注册制改革,,提高直接融资比重。完善人民币汇率市场化形成机制。加快推进利率市场化,加快实现人民币资本项目可兑换。建立存款保险制度,完善金融机构市场化退出机制。
Improve financial markets. Further open up the financial industry. Allow qualified private capital to set up financial institutions such as small- and medium-sized banks, under enhanced supervision. Push ahead with reform of policy-based financial institutions. Promote reform toward a registration-based stock-issuing system and increase the proportion of direct financing. Improve market-based exchange rate formation mechanisms for the renminbi. Accelerate interest rate liberalization and capital-account convertibility. Build a deposit insurance system and complete the market-based exit system for financial institutions.
13. 深化科技体制改革。建立健全鼓励创新的体制机制。健全技术创新市场导向机制。加强知识产权运用和保护。探索建立知识产权法院。打破行政主导和部门分割,建立主要由市场决定技术创新项目和经费分配、评价成果的机制。完善风险投资机制,创新商业模式,促进科技成果资本化、产业化。
Deepen science and technology system reform. Set up and complete a system that encourages innovation. Perfect a market-based system that encourages technological innovation. Strengthen intellectual property application and protection. Explore ways to set up intellectual-property courts. Break executive-leading and departmental segmentation, building a system where the market decides innovation program selection, resource allocation and result assessment. Improve the venture capital system, innovate business models and promote capitalization and industrialization, and scientific and technological achievements.