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发表于 2016-7-11 09:57:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Remarks by Secretary of State John Kerry on Egypt
          Press Briefing Room, Washington, DC
          August 14, 2013
          Sorry to keep you waiting, folks. I’ll make a statement and then Jen Psaki
will stay and take questions and brief everybody.
          The United States strongly condemns today’s violence and bloodshed across
Egypt. It’s a serious blow to reconciliation and the Egyptian people’s hopes for
a transition towards democracy and inclusion. In the past week, at every
occasion, perhaps even more than the past week, we and others have urged the
government to respect the rights of free assembly and of free expression, and we
have also urged all parties to resolve this impasse peacefully and underscored
that demonstrators should avoid violence and incitement.
          Today’s events are deplorable and they run counter to Egyptian aspirations
for peace, inclusion, and genuine democracy. Egyptians inside and outside of the
government need to take a step back. They need to calm the situation and avoid
further loss of life. We also strongly oppose a return to a state of emergency
law and we call on the government to respect basic human rights including
freedom of peaceful assembly and due process under the law. And we believe that
the state of emergency should end as soon as possible.
          Violence is simply not a solution in Egypt or anywhere else. Violence will
not create a roadmap for Egypt’s future. Violence only impedes the transition to
an inclusive civilian government, a government chosen in free and fair elections
that governs democratically, consistent with the goals of the Egyptian
revolution. And violence and continued political polarization will only further
tear the Egyptian economy apart and prevent it from growing and providing the
jobs and the future that the people of Egypt want so badly.
          The United States strongly supports the Egyptian people’s hope for a prompt
and sustainable transition to an inclusive, tolerant, civilian-led democracy.
Deputy Secretary of State Burns, together with our EU colleagues, provided
constructive ideas and left them on the table during our talks in Cairo last
week. From my many phone calls with many Egyptians, I believe they know full
well what a constructive process would look like. The interim government and the
military, which together possess the preponderance of power in this
confrontation, have a unique responsibility to prevent further violence and to
offer constructive options for an inclusive, peaceful process across the entire
political spectrum. This includes amending the constitution, holding
parliamentary and presidential elections, which the interim government itself
has called for.
          All of the other parties – all of the opposition, all of civil society, all
parties – also share a responsibility to avoid violence and to participate in a
productive path towards a political solution. There will not be a solution
through further polarization. There can only be a political solution by bringing
people together with a political solution.
          So this is a pivotal moment for all Egyptians. The path towards violence
leads only to greater instability, economic disaster, and suffering. The only
sustainable path for either side is one towards a political solution. I am
convinced from my conversations today with a number of foreign ministers,
including the Foreign Minister of Egypt, I am convinced that that path is, in
fact, still open and it is possible, though it has been made much, much harder,
much more complicated, by the events of today.
          The promise of the 2011 revolution has simply never been fully realized,
and the final outcome of that revolution is not yet decided. It will be shaped
in the hours ahead, in the days ahead. It will be shaped by the decisions which
all of Egypt’s political leaders make now and in these days ahead. The world is
closely watching Egypt and is deeply concerned about the events that we have
witnessed today. The United States remains at the ready to work with all of the
parties and with our partners and with others around the world in order to help
achieve a peaceful, democratic way forward.
          Now Jen will be happy to answer any questions. Thanks.

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