Medvedev slams EU over Cyprus
Russian prime minister Dmitry Medvedev has lambasted the EU’s handling of the Cyprus debt crisis, comparing a plan for a levy on bank deposits to the expropriations under the Soviet Union.
俄罗斯总理德米特里•梅德韦杰夫(Dmitry Medvedev)抨击欧盟(EU)处理塞浦路斯债务危机的方式,他把对银行存款征税的计划与苏联时期的充公行为相提并论。
However, Moscow has yet to offer any concrete help to the Cypriot government, which is anxiously seeking alternative ways to fund an international bailout after the island’s parliament voted against a bank deposit levy plan hatched with the eurozone.
Mr Medvedev’s comments came as Michael Sarris, Cyprus’s finance minister, met senior Russian officials to seek aid from the Kremlin to bail out its struggling banking sector.
梅德韦杰夫发表上述言论之际,塞浦路斯财长迈克尔•萨里斯(Michael Sarris)与俄罗斯高官会晤,寻求从俄罗斯政府得到援助,为该国困境中的银行业纾困。
There was mounting concern among Cypriot officials that Mr Sarris had failed in his mission as the government in Nicosia frantically hunted down other sources of revenue. The central bank said the banking system would remain closed until next Tuesday to avoid a bank run.
Officials in Moscow were privately sceptical Russia would bail out Cyprus or even provide further bridging loans. Russian business leaders have made it clear they would insist on cold-eyed, commercial criteria for any investments. “Buying worthless equity in a bank for a billion or two. That is not going to go very far here,” said one banker.
Mr Medvedev said the eurozone’s bailout proposals risked “undermining trust in financial institutions as a whole”, and not just in Cyprus. Criticising the EU for showing the same disregard for small savers that the Soviet Union once did, the premier said if an “unprecedented” confiscation of assets in Cypriot banks went ahead, Moscow might reconsider its double taxation treaty with the island.
Of Russia’s top banks, VTB, Gazprombank, Sberbank and Alfa Group all denied they were part of negotiations to invest in financial assets in Cyprus. “Now is not the best time,” a person close to VTB said. Gazprom denied reports that it was considering investments in Cyprus offshore gas developments.
俄罗斯顶级银行,包括俄罗斯外贸银行(VTB)、Gazprombank、俄罗斯联邦储蓄银行(Sberbank)以及阿尔法集团(Alfa Group),都否认参加投资塞浦路斯金融资产的谈判。一位与VTB关系密切的人士表示:“如今这么做不是时候”。俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom)则否认了其在考虑投资塞浦路斯海上天然气开发项目的报道。
The Russian prime minister did not rule out possible support for Cyprus but said talks would continue with European Commission officials, including president José Manuel Barroso, in a pre-planned meeting in Moscow starting later on Thursday.
俄罗斯总理没有排除支持塞浦路斯的可能,而是表示会在周四晚些时候,在原来就安排好的莫斯科会议中,与欧盟委员会(European Commission)主席若泽•曼努埃尔•巴罗佐(José Manuel Barroso)等欧盟委员会官员继续磋商。 |