People take photos in front of the gate of the Ministry of Railways on March 11, 2013 as China plans to split it up into administrative and commercial branches in order to reduce bureaucracy and improve railway service efficiency.[
People take photos in front of the gate of the Ministry of Railways on March 11, 2013 as China plans to split it up into administrative and commercial branches in order to reduce bureaucracy and improve railway service efficiency.
People take photos in front of the gate of the Ministry of Railways on March 11, 2013 as China plans to split it up into administrative and commercial branches in order to reduce bureaucracy and improve railway service efficiency.
People take photos in front of the gate of the Ministry of Railways on March 11, 2013 as China plans to split it up into administrative and commercial branches in order to reduce bureaucracy and improve railway service efficiency.
People take photos in front of the gate of the Ministry of Railways on March 11, 2013 as China plans to split it up into administrative and commercial branches in order to reduce bureaucracy and improve railway service efficiency.
People take photos in front of the gate of the Ministry of Railways on March 11, 2013 as China plans to split it up into administrative and commercial branches in order to reduce bureaucracy and improve railway service efficiency.
People take photos in front of the gate of the Ministry of Railways on March 11, 2013 as China plans to split it up into administrative and commercial branches in order to reduce bureaucracy and improve railway service efficiency.
根据3月10日提请全国人大会议审议的国务院机构改革和职能转变方案,将实行铁路政企分开,不再保留铁道部。图为11日,一名铁道部员工在铁道部大门前流下了不舍的泪水。[CFP]A staff member of the Ministry of Railways cries in front of the Ministry's gate on March 11, 2013 as China plans to split it up into administrative and commercial branches in order to reduce bureaucracy and improve railway service efficiency. |