Google Halts Warningsto China Users
Google Inc.'s search engine in China recently stopped warningusers of certain keywords that might trigger Beijing's Internetcensors. The warning function, added in late May, notified usersin mainland China whenever they typed potentially sensitivesearch terms that could cause service interruptions byChinese authorities.
谷歌(Google Inc.)在中国的搜索引擎最近不再向用户发出某些关键词可能触发北京审查机制的警告。这种警告功能是在5月下旬推出的,每当中国内地用户输入敏感关键词、可能导致中国当局阻断搜索的时候,它就会发出提示信息。
A Google spokesman confirmed that the company has removed the warning function, but declinedto comment on why it decided to do so. The U.S. company has faced a series of challenges inChina since 2010, when it stopped adhering to China's requirement that it self-censor searchresults. In November, Google's Web services in China experienced brief but widespreadinterruptions.
When Google last year started tipping off users about risky search keywords, the move wasviewed by some analysts as a potential challenge to Beijing's efforts to police the Internet. When auser typed a word containing a potentially problematic Chinese character, a drop-down messagewould appear, saying that searching with that character 'may temporarily break your connectionto Google,' an interruption 'outside Google's control.' Google's May 31 official blog post said: 'We've had a lot of feedback that Google Search from mainland China can be inconsistent andunreliable…we've noticed that these interruptions are closely correlated with searches for aparticular subset of queries.'
谷歌去年开始向用户提示高风险搜索关键词的时候,一些分析人士认为此举可能是为挑战北京巡查互联网的措施。当用户输入可能存在问题的中文字符,就会出现一条下拉信息,说搜索这些字符可能会“导致用户与谷歌的连接暂时被阻断”,“此阻断并不受谷歌控制”。谷歌5月31日发布官方博客说,我们接到很多反馈,说中国内地的谷歌搜索可能存在不连贯、不可靠的情况,我们已经注意到这些中断现象同一组特定关键词的搜索紧密相关。 |