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发表于 2016-7-11 09:55:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Is it because the warning bells ring so loudly that no one seemsto hear them? What with elections and the euro crisis, there areplenty of distractions.
          But there will be 200,000 more mouths to feed around the world tomorrow – literally. To meetdemand, we will need to produce the same amount of food in the next 40 years as we did in thepast 8,000. But global wheat production is expected to fall more than 5 per cent this year, theUN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) says.
          The challenges of food security – of providing a lot more, with a lot less – are complex, immense, frightening and urgent. They are urgent because our task is not only planning for 2050, when wewill need to feed an extra 2bn people. We also have to act for today, when 870m people will go tosleep hungry.
          There has been a 20 per cent drop in wheat yields in the US this year. The EU harvest is down by 6m tonnes – in Russia and Ukraine it will be reduced by more than 35m. The FAO predicts globalwheat supply in 2012-13 will fall to 661m tons. Consumption stands at 688m tons.
          Pressure on the world’s resources is intensifying. Increased competition for these resources hasbeen compounded by the effects of severe weather conditions. Since 2000, food prices havemore than doubled because of soaring demand, with desertification, floods and drought addingsignificant volatility to the trend of food price inflation. To make matters worse, it is countries withalready high rates of malnutrition that tend to be worst hit. People in Chad, Ethiopia and Angolaspend up to 60 per cent of their weekly budget on food – much of it imported. The mostvulnerable are hit the hardest by price rises.
          How do we address this? There probably is no perfect answer but I passionately believe there aresome very clear actions we should all be taking. The following three, drawn from my experience asthe chairman of the B20 Taskforce on Food Security, which provided recommendations for the G20 in Mexico this year, should sit at the top of our collective to-do list.
          First, we should eliminate the use of unsustainable biofuels. Most first generation biofuels are neitherenvironmentally efficient nor cost effective ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and thedemand they place on land is destabilising world food supply and increasing prices. I wasencouraged to hear the European Commission say in October that it plans to limit land conversionfor biofuels, but it is a small step.
          首先,我们应该停止使用不可持续的生物燃料。从降低温室气体排放的角度看,大部分第一代生物燃料的环境效率和成本效率都很低,并且它们对土地的需求让世界粮食供应不稳定,也推高了粮食价格。10月份欧盟委员会(European Commission)表示,将限制生物燃料的土地使用,我感到很欣慰,但这只是一小步。
          Second, we need increased investment in those parts of Africa and Latin America where the lastremaining serious agricultural expansion potential lies, or wherever current yields are threatened. Governments and businesses need to direct investment towards strengthening whole value chainsand improving support for smallholder farmers, particularly women. In the developing world, theymake up 43 per cent of farmers – rising to 50 per cent in eastern Asia and 80 per cent in sub-Saharan Africa – but they have less access to the land, water rights, finance and education thatcould increase productivity. Aiding smallholder farmers is one of the most efficient ways ofalleviating poverty, which makes it even more critical.

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发表于 2016-7-11 11:32:07 | 显示全部楼层

          Third, developing country governments need to create long-term partnerships with the privatesector, donors and civil society, to stimulate investment in commercial agriculture. TheCopenhagen Consensus concluded that an investment in fighting malnutrition would benefit peoplemore than any other type of investment – with a return of $30 for every $1 invested. And theWorld Bank found that an investment in nutrition can translate to a 2-3 per cent increase in anation’s GDP each year, breaking the cycle of poverty that traps families and nations.
          第三,发展中国家政府需要与私人领域、资助者和民间团体建立长期的合作关系,从而刺激对商业性农业的投资。“哥本哈根共识”(Copenhagen Consensus)得出结论认为,在应对营养不良方面的投资是最能让民众受益的投资,平均每1美元的投资就有30美元的回报。世界银行(World Bank)研究发现,在营养方面的投资每年可以为一个国家带来2%到3%的GDP增长,打破困扰家庭和国家的贫困怪圈
          It is only by working together that we can achieve this, and there are good examples of projectsto be found. But we need more of them, fast.
          Little progress will be made unless we combine the brainpower, energy, commitment and expertiseof businesses, governments and NGOs and work in partnership towards these three majorambitions.
          This will need collective international leadership. Future G8 and G20 presidencies must keepagriculture centre stage. Business and political leaders must continue to drive initiatives, such as theWorld Economic Forum New Vision for Agriculture. The UN High Level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Goals – of which I am a member – also gives us a unique opportunity to cementmeaningful international targets to support agricultural development.
          这需要集体的国际领导力。八国集团(G8)和20国集团的未来领导人必须将农业摆在核心位置。企业和政治领导人必须继续推动各种动议,比如“世界经济论坛农业新视野”(World Economic ForumNew Vision for Agriculture)。关于2015年以后发展目标问题的联合国高级别小组(我是小组成员之一),也为我们提供了一个独特的机会,去落实一些具有实质意义的支持农业发展的国际目标。
          But, above all, securing the future of agricultural development needs individual commitment andaction on the ground. All of us, individuals, companies, policy makers and consumers, have aresponsibility to act together, and the time to act is now.
          The writer is chief executive of Unilever
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