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发表于 2016-7-11 09:54:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Audacious Raid on NATO Base Shows Taliban’sReach
          An audacious Taliban attack on a heavily fortified base insouthern Afghanistan did far more damage than initiallyreported, destroying or severely damaging eight attack jets inthe most destructive single strike on Western matériel in the 11-year war, military officials said Sunday.
          While other attacks have caused greater loss of life, the assault late Friday at Camp Bastion inHelmand Province, one of the largest and best-defended posts in Afghanistan, was troubling toNATO because the attackers were able to penetrate the base, killing two Marines and causing morethan $200 million in damage. “We’re saying it’s a very sophisticated attack,” said a military officialhere. “We’ve lost aircraft in battle, but nothing like this.”
          袭击于周五晚上发生在赫尔曼德省的巴斯营地(Camp Bastion),该营地是北约在阿富汗最大且防守最严密的据点之一。尽管其他袭击造成了更大的生命损失,这次袭击却让北约组织(NATO)深感忧虑,因为袭击者竟然能够深入基地,造成两名海军陆战队士兵死亡和逾2亿美元的物质损失。“我们认为这是一次手段非常高超的袭击,”当地一名军方官员称。“我们曾在战斗中损失飞机,但不是在这样的情况下。”
          The complex attack, which NATO officials said was conducted by three tightly choreographedteams of militants wearing American Army uniforms, was a reminder that the Taliban remaincapable of serious assaults despite the “surge” offensive against them. Now the offensive is over, and nearly 10,000 American Marines have left Helmand Province, a critical stronghold for theTaliban, over the past several months.



          Together with a rash of attacks by Afghan security forces against NATO troops — including twoover the weekend that left at least six coalition service members dead — the Taliban have put newpressure on the American withdrawal plan, which calls for accelerated troop pullouts through 2014 while training Afghan forces to take over.
          At the same time, tensions with the government flared Sunday as President Hamid Karzaicondemned the deaths of Afghan women in airstrikes and criticized the continued Americancustody of hundreds of Afghan prisoners.
          与此同时,阿富汗总统哈米德·卡尔扎伊(Hamid Karzai)在周日谴责空袭造成阿富汗妇女死亡,并批评美国持续监禁数百名阿富汗囚犯,该言论加剧了北约和阿富汗政府之间的紧张关系。
          The military investigation into the attack at Bastion is now trying to uncover whether theinsurgents had help from inside the camp and whether they were trained or aided by neighboringcountries, such as Pakistan or Iran, which have allowed the Taliban to take refuge on their territory. But military officials and Afghan analysts said that the insurgents may well have prepared for theirmission in significant measure by studying easily available satellite images on the Internet. “Wedon’t underestimate the enemy,” the military official said, speaking on condition of anonymitybecause of the continuing investigation. “We know the enemy has limited capability to do these, but they are not a whole bunch of yokels running around the country.”
          The 15 insurgents conducting the attack lost no time from the moment they blew a hole in theperimeter at one of the closest points to the airfield, military officials said. They then raced towardtheir targets, shooting and setting fire to parked Navy AV-8B Harrier jets and destroying threerefueling stations, even as a quick reaction force was mustering to fight them off, a military officialsaid. “It was a running gun battle for awhile, two and a half hours, nonetheless they were able toget to the aircraft before we could intercept them,” a military official said, noting that because ithappened at night it was difficult until daylight to be sure that all the insurgents had been killed orcaptured. All but one was killed; the remaining insurgent is in custody, the military said.

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