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发表于 2016-7-11 09:54:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
In Dueling Ads, Candidates Seek to Politicize Issues of China and Manufacturing
          United States-China relations continue to surface as an issue on the campaign trail, particularly in battleground states like Ohio where manufacturing is a major force in the local economy. Now both President Obama and Mitt Romney are running television commercials that trade accusations over who is softer on China, and who is more to blame for sending American jobs there.
          在美国总统选举的进程中,中美关系议题继续显山露水成为焦点,特别是在一些关键州,比如制造业在当地经济中举足轻重的俄亥俄州。目前,奥巴马总统(Obama)和米特·罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)都推出了电视广告,互相指责对方在中国问题上太温和,应该为美国人的工作机会流失到中国负责。
          The Romney campaign ad states: “Under Obama we’ve lost over half a million manufacturing jobs, and for the first time China is beating us. Seven times Obama could have stopped China’s cheating. Seven times he refused.” Then it cuts to Mr. Romney, who declares, “It’s time to stand up to the cheaters and make sure we protect jobs for the American people.”
          The announcer concludes, “Barack Obama: failing to stop cheating, failing American workers.”
          The Obama campaign ad, released a day after the Romney one first appeared, opens on an incredulous note. “Mitt Romney tough on China?” an announcer asks. “Romney’s companies were called pioneers in shipping U.S. manufacturing jobs overseas. He invested in firms that specialized in relocating jobs to low-wage countries like China. Even today part of Romney’s fortune is invested in China. Romney’s never stood up to China. All he’s done is send them our jobs.”



          Who is right? Mr. Romney’s first claim — that more than half a million manufacturing jobs have disappeared since Mr. Obama took office — is supported by data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which show manufacturing employment at 12.5 million in January 2009 and put it at just under 12 million as of August, a net loss because of job cuts during the recession.
          谁说得对呢?美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)提供的数据证明了罗姆尼的第一个主张——自从奥巴马执政以来,有超过50万的制造业岗位流失。数据显示,2009年1月制造业就业人数为1250万,到8月份时,就业人数降至1200万以下,这是经济衰退期间裁员造成的净损失。
          However, what the ad does not say is that manufacturers have actually added several hundred thousand jobs since early 2010, a bright spot in an otherwise dull economy.
          His second claim, regarding the “seven times Obama could have stopped China’s cheating,” refers to the Treasury Department’s repeated decisions — under both the Obama and George W. Bush administrations — to decline to label China a currency manipulator. Mr. Romney has said he would reverse that course, a position that has alarmed some free-trade Republicans, who think the move could escalate tensions between the United States and China.
          他的第二个主张提到的“奥巴马本来有七次机会阻止中国的欺骗行为”指的是美国财政部(Treasury Departmen)屡次做出的决策——在奥巴马和乔治·W·布什(George W. Bush)执政期间——拒绝将中国定位为汇率操纵国。罗姆尼曾说过他将会扭转这种情形,其态度引起了一些推崇自由贸易的共和党人的警觉,他们认为此举会加剧美国和中国之间的紧张局势。
          Mr. Obama has made the term “outsourcing pioneer” a regular line in his stump speech and a catchphrase in his advertising. It is also one of the most disputed accusations of the presidential campaign. Its origins lie in a Washington Post article from June, in which the paper reported that Bain Capital, the private equity company Romney founded, “owned companies that were pioneers in the practice of shipping work from the United States to overseas call centers and factories.”
          奥巴马将“外包先锋”作为政治演讲的常用语以及广告口号。这也是总统竞选对抗中最具争议的问题之一。问题的源头来自《华盛顿邮报》(Washington Post)6月的一篇文章,该报报道称,罗姆尼创立的私人股权投资公司贝恩资本(Bain Capital)“旗下的公司是将美国的就业机会输送到海外呼叫中心和工厂的先锋。”
          But to say that these companies were “pioneers” — that is, literally paving the way for others to ship jobs overseas — has been called a stretch by independent fact-checkers because it misleadingly implies that Bain was leading an industry trend at the time. The Romney campaign tried, but ultimately failed, to win a retraction from The Post for its story, which the Obama campaign used as fodder for an attack ad immediately after its publication.
          As for the ad’s other claim, that part of Mr. Romney’s fortune is tied to Chinese investments? It is true, but it fails to note that this is not due to any action on Mr. Romney’s part. This year, The New York Times reported that late last year “a Bain-run fund in which a Romney family blind trust has holdings purchased the video surveillance division of a Chinese company.”
          Though Mr. Romney has had no role in Bain’s operations since 1999, his fortune is still closely linked to the company.

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