Water challenges are most obvious in developing nations, but they affect
every country on earth. Experts predict that by 2025, nearly two-thirds of the
world's population will be water-stressed. Many sources of fresh water will be
under additional strain from climate change and population growth.
We need to work together to leverage the efforts of other nations, the
international community, and partners in the nonprofit and private sectors.
There are a number of areas where science and technological innovation can make
a huge impact. We need to make sure that the work we do on water issues is not
just of the moment, but truly does stand the test of time.
As we face this challenge, one thing that will endure is the United
States'commitment to water issues. We are in this for the long haul. I am
convinced that if we empower communities and countries to meet their own
challenges, expand our diplomatic efforts, make sound investments, foster
innovation and build effective partnerships, we can make real progress together
and seize this historic opportunity.
在我们面对这个挑战之际,有一点将历久弥坚:美国致力于解决水问题。我们将为此进行长期努力。我相信,我们如果促进社区和国家的自主权迎接各自面临的挑战,扩大我们的外交努力,进行稳健的投资,支持发明创造,建立有效的伙伴关系,就能共同取得实际进展,抓住这个历史性的机遇。 |