施耐庵于元延祐元年(1314年)考中秀才,泰定元年(1324年)中举人,至顺二年(1331年)登进士不久任浙江钱塘县尹。施耐庵故里江苏兴化新垛乡施家桥村有墓园、纪念馆。有《施氏家薄谱》存世。 歌
人生衣食真难事,不及鸳鸯处处飞。 A Song from The Water Margin (1)
Young birds chirp and old ones bring insects to feed.
Old sheep are lean and lambs are fatting out.
Men sweat for food and clothing—their daily need,
Not so happy as love-birds flying all about.
(1)The novel The Water Margin was written in the Ming Dynasty (14th to 17th century).
(丰华瞻 译)