Of all the symbols of thanksgiving, the turkey is most familiar and widespread. It isconsidered as the most famous exemplary might be due to its sharp features, bright hues andmajestic appearance. Turkey is a common breed and a native of northern Mexico and the easternUnited States. Now it is being raised in large numbers and some of the commonplace species thatare popular are Bronze, Narragansett, White Holland, and Bourbon Red. Though there is noevidence that Turkey was available to the pilgrims, Massachusetts from where the practiceoriginated, has a legend that it was served in the first Thanksgiving Dinner.
In a book written by the Pilgrim's Governor Bradford, he mentions of wild turkeys while anotherPilgrim describes in a letter sent to England how the governor sent 'four men out fowling' whoreturned with turkeys, ducks and geese for the feast. Though no accurate reports were found, atale goes where turkey was their original choice but they could not find it. They cooked crowinstead and served the local Indians. As a part of tradition, turkey remains of central importance inthe Thanksgiving menu surrounded by several other delicious dishes. During the dinners, thefamily members may also utter a few lines of thanks or chant a special prayer. |