1. Netflix失去Mojo
Netflix有着拒绝延迟付费的政策和巨大的库存,是亲和消费者的公司中的极致。但今年7月,随着其最大竞争对手百视达(Blockbuster)的破产,Netflix将DVD每月最低租赁费和视频流服务费提高了60%,从9.99美元涨到了15.98美元。该公司试图告诉顾客他们仍在获得“极大的价值”。顾客则告诉Netflix该在哪里挤出这份价值并开始取消订阅。为修复这一损害,CEO里德 黑斯廷斯在一封惊人的电子邮件中宣布:Netflix将一分为二,新公司Qwikster将接管Netflix传统的DVD租赁业务。但是,Netflix忘记了在推特上保护Qwikster的名称,结果这个名称已被喜欢性暗示的某些人利用了。顾客们抱怨这次拆分只会使应用公司的服务更加麻烦。黑斯廷斯一个月后放弃了这次拆分。在变相涨价后的三个月里,Netflix总计流失了至少800 000顾客。该公司股价曾经高企,但已从7月304美元的高位跌至近期的66美元。今年(2011年)11月份,公司称其短缺资金,而且几乎肯定在2012全年将负债运营。
1. Netflix Loses Its Mojo
Netflix, with its no-late-fee policy and huge inventory, was the ultimate in consumer-friendly companies. But in July, with its biggest competition, Blockbuster, in bankruptcy, Netflix raised the minimum monthly cost of its DVD-rental and streaming-video service 60%, to $15.98 from $9.99. The company tried to tell customers they were still getting a "terrific value." Customers told Netflix where to shove that value and began canceling subscriptions. To repair the damage, CEO Reed Hastings announced in a surprise e-mail that Netflix was splitting in two, with a new company, Qwikster, taking over Netflix's traditional DVD-rental business. Netflix, though, had forgotten to secure the Qwikster name on Twitter, which was already in use by someone who liked sexual innuendo. Customers complained the split would make using the company's services only more complicated. Hastings aborted the split a month later. In all, Netflix shed at least 800,000 customers in the three months following the fee hike. The company's stock, once a highflyer, has plunged recently to $66 from a high of $304 in July. In November, the company said it was short cash and that it is almost certain to remain in the red through 2012.
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