emoji表情,评为“年度热词”(word of the Year)之后,似乎在奇葩路上越走越远...
1. Precariat 朝不保夕阶级
The term precariat, referring to a class of people whose employment,
income, and living standards are insecure or precarious .
A blend of precarious and proletariat, the word has risen to prominence in
recent years in the context of discussions about the growing number of people
whose livelihoods rely on casual and freelance labour.
2. Zero-hours 无固定时限
Zero-hours, which is used in the UK to designate a contract of employment
that does not include a guarantee of regular work for the employee.
3. Impostor syndrome 冒牌者症候群
Impostor syndrome is defined as ‘the persistent inability to believe that
one’s success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one’s
own efforts or skills’.
“Impostor syndrome”(冒牌者症候群)指的是“始终不相信某人的成功是因其个人努力或技能而应得的或合理实现的”。
★该词最早出自《Vogue》1982年刊登的一篇文章,当时用的是Impostor phenomenon。而现在Impostor
4. Spad 特约顾问
Spad, a British slang term for a ‘special adviser’ in political
5. Sharrow 自行车和机动车共用车道
Sharrow, a blend of share and arrow used in North America to refer to a
road marking used to indicate which part of a road should be used by cyclists
when the roadway is shared with motor vehicles.
6. Acquihire 收购公司
Acquihire means an act or instance of buying out a company primarily for
the skills and expertise of its staff, rather than for the products or services
it supplies’.
7. Microaggression 轻度冒犯
The word microaggression refers to a statement, action, or incident
regarded as an instance of indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination or
prejudice against members of a marginalized group such as a racial minority.
8. Spoiler alert 剧透警告
The phrase spoiler alert has become commonplace in online discussions of
films and television as a way of warning readers that an important detail of the
story is about to be divulged .
在网络上讨论电影和电视剧的时候经常会见到“Spoiler alert”(剧透警告)这个词,它是用来提醒读者某个故事的重要细节就要被泄露了。
9. Ace 性冷淡
A shortening of asexual respelled on the model of the existing word ace, is
used as a self-designation by many people who identify as asexual, meaning that
they do not experience sexual feelings or desires, although they may have
romantic feelings and relationships.
10. Aromantic 没有发展恋情的欲望
To be aromantic is to have no desire to form romantic relationships.
“Aromantic”指的是没有发展恋情的欲望。 |