Mistake 1. Washing your face more than once a day will lead to wrinkles
错误 1.一天洗脸超过一次会长皱纹
Any dermatologist will tell you the importance of washing your face twice a
day—both in the morning and at night. You should wash your face directly after
exercising to clear your skin of microscopic pollutants.
Mistake 2. The higher the SPF, the better it is for your skin
错误 2.防晒系数越高对皮肤越好
The best advice is to apply a sunscreen of SPF 45 daily, even on cloudy
days, and reapply every two hours to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful
Mistake 3. Running or jumping will accelerate signs of aging on your face
and jawline
错误 3.跑跳会加速面部和下巴的衰老
Not only is exercise incredibly beneficial for your body and overall
health, but it is also great for your skin.
Mistake 4. Anyone can inject Botox, not just doctors
错误 4.不只有医生可以注射肉毒杆菌,谁都可以
In order to get certified in Botox injections, you have to be a physician,
nurse, or other medical professional.
Mistake 5. The stronger the retinol, the better
错误 5.维生素A补充越多越好
While dermatologists hail retinol as a miracle anti-wrinkle treatment, they
recommend you use it with caution, since too much can cause irritation.
Mistake 6. Drinking water is enough to hydrate your skin
错误 6.喝水就足够给皮肤补水了
Hydration is important for skin health, but you can’t treat dry skin by
drinking water alone. You need emollients to lock in the moisture in your
Mistake 7. Don’t smile so much—it causes wrinkles
错误 7.不要笑太多,会长皱纹
Your skin is going to age as you age, whether you smile or not, but we have
so many ways to proactively address premature aging and fine lines and
Mistake 8. Expensive anti-aging creams can get rid of wrinkles
错误 8.贵的抗衰老的面霜可以避免长皱纹
The overwhelming majority of anti-aging, firming, and anti-wrinkle creams
are formulated to increase the water content of skin, thereby temporarily
reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Mistake 9. Peels make your skin thin and saggy
错误 9.磨皮使皮肤变薄下垂
Your skin is a living organism with a dermis and five layers of epidermis
that are replaced every 40 days or so. What happens is that your skin
rejuvenates more effectively and quickly because of the peel.
Mistake 10. Exfoliating daily keeps skin looking youthful
错误 10.每天去角质能使皮肤看起来年轻
Exfoliation is beneficial for your skin, but you should limit this activity
to once or twice a week, no matter your age. Exfoliation daily leads to dry,
cracked, and aging skin.
去角质对皮肤有好处,但无论多大年龄都仅限每周一至两次。每天都去角质会使皮肤干燥、开裂老化。 |